
Let's review the Simple Past Tense

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  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "REPAIR"
    My father repaired with car / the chairs..etc
  • Continue the story "My little sister was in her classroom when ...." (Mention 2 activities)
    the bell rang / a friend started to cry
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "EAT"
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "BARK"
    My dog barked all night.
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "STEAL"
    The burglars STOLE a computer.
  • Change this sentence into Simple Past: - My mother PUNISHES me because I get a bad score on my math test.
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "WAKE UP"
  • create a question in past with "BUY"
    What did you buy yesterday?
  • Change this sentence into Simple Past: - The witch BEWITCH my little brother because he EATS her apple.
  • Mention 3 activities you did last summer (before the quarantine), Use complete sentences.
    On my summer vacations, I went to ...
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "DROWN"
    My cat drowned in the pool / in the pond.
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "YAWN"
    I YAWNED a lot in the morning meeting. It was embarrasting.
  • Continue the story "Last year, I was on an airplane and I ....." (Mention 2 activities)
    saw a lot of clouds / ate some spaghetti
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "KNEEL"
    My little brother KNELT down to look for his toy under the sofa.
  • Continue the story "I was sleeping when suddenly ....." (Mention 2 activities)
    my mother shouted / the phone rang ...
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "TEACH"
    She taught me Spanish me last year.
  • Mention 3 activities you did yesterday. Complete sentences
    Yesterday, I played video games with my friends, I cooked some pasta and I watched a romantic movie.
  • Change this sentence into Simple Past: - I HAVE to buy new things because I lose everything.
  • Each member of the group has to read this: Gloves for ‘wore’, Bubbles for ‘blew’, a fork for ‘ate’ and a cup for drank
  • Each member has to read this tongue twister: Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
  • Say a sentence with the Past Simple form of "THINK"
    I THOUGHT it was true.