
Impact 4 Unit 5-6

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  • encourage (!)
    to say or do things to support a person and make them feel confident
  • prey on
    to hunt
  • trait
    a physical or emotional characteristic
  • ancient
    very old
  • extinction
    when a species die out and no longer exist
  • herbivore
    an animal that eats plants or grass
  • catastrophe
    a large-scale disaster, misfortune, or failure
  • beast
    an animal, creature
  • motion
    the act of moving
  • useless
    of no value and will not create change
  • times (!)
    a word used to talk about multiplication
  • associated (!)
    when two or more people, things, or ideas are connected with each other, they are associated.
  • expert
    A person who has mastered a specific subject, usually through long-term study
  • curious (!)
    very interested in learning more about a subject
  • jaw
    the part of your skull that hold your teeth
  • look into (!)
    to take time and effort to learn everything about it
  • prehistoric
    the time or period before recorded or written history
  • advantage
    a positive feature that makes it easier for someone or something to succeed
  • achievement
    something gained by working or trying hard
  • name 4 synonyms to BIG
    enormous, large, huge, massive, immense, gigantic
  • remote (!)
    far away from cities or developed places
  • fierce
    powerful, aggressive and dangerous
  • route
    a way to get from one place to another
  • weigh
    to measure how heavy someone or something is
  • drive
    to make you want to work hard
  • carnivore
    an animal that eats meat
  • require
    to need something or make something necessary
  • pioneer
    someone who does something or goes somewhere before anyone else
  • purpose
    the reason why it is done or used
  • research
    to study it carefully in order to learn new information about it
  • exception
    something that does not fit into a general rule
  • encounter
    to meet it or come across it, especially when you were not expecting to
  • sophisticated
    complex or difficult
  • significant
    important; full of meaning
  • knowledge
    information learned from education and experience
  • extraordinary
    highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable
  • pump
    to force a gas or liquid up, into or through
  • engage in
    to participate (in)
  • stomach
    an organ where food is digested
  • era
    a period of time that is associated with an event or a person in history
  • investigate
    to really study it in order to learn everything there is to know about it
  • motivate
    to inspire interest or enthusiasm to do something