
Year 3 - Diet, Digestion, and Excretion

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  • What do we need carbohydrates for?
    It gives us energy to run and do exercise
  • How often should we eat fats?
    We should eat only a little every day
  • How often should we eat carbohydrates?
    We should eat them at every meal
  • What foods contain carbohydrates?
    Potatoes, bread, cereals, pasta, and rice.
  • What do we need proteins for?
    To help us grow
  • What happens if we eat too many fats?
    We become overweight and unhealthy
  • How often should we eat vitamins and minerals?
    We should eat them five times a day
  • True or false? We should eat chocolate and cakes and butter all the time.
    False! We should only eat a little bit of fats, otherwise we become overweight
  • What does the stomach do?
    It mixes food with gastric juices and turns it into a thick liquid
  • What foods contain proteins?
    Meat, fish, eggs, nuts, dairy products, and beans
  • Which one is the odd one out? Why? Carrots, bananas, oranges, yogurt.
    Yogurt. The others contain vitamins and minerals, but yogurt contains proteins
  • True or False? Urine goes from the bladder to the kidneys.
    False! Urine goes from the kidneys to the bladder.
  • What do we need vitamins and minerals for?
    They help us to stay healthy
  • How often should we drink water?
    We need to drink 6-8 glasses every day; more if we do exercise
  • What does the small intestine do?
    The blood takes the nutrients from food here
  • True or False? Waste products go out through the anus.
    True! Our body removes waste products when we go to the toilet.
  • What does the large intestine do?
    Waste comes here and goes to the anus. It also takes excess water to the kidneys.
  • True or False? Food mixes with gastric juices in the small intestine.
    False! Food mixes with gastric juices in the large intestine.
  • Which one is the odd one out? Why? Stomach, small intestine, bladder, mouth
    Bladder! The others are part of the digestive system, but the bladder is part of the excretory system
  • What are the ureters?
    Urine from the kidneys goes down them into the bladder.
  • What foods contain fats?
    Oil, butter, chorizo, cheese, nuts, and chocolate
  • True or False? We don't need to eat fruits and vegetables.
    False! We need to eat fruits and vegetables at least five times a day.
  • What does the bladder do?
    It stores urine until it is full. Then it sends messages to the brain that it's time to go to the toilet.
  • How often should we eat proteins?
    We should eat them at every meal
  • What is the urethra?
    Urine from the bladder goes down it into the toilet.
  • Which one is the odd one out? Why? Watching TV all day, doing exercise every day, brushing your teeth after eating, covering your mouth when you cough.
    Watching TV all day! The others are healthy habits, but watching TV all day is an unhealthy habit.
  • What foods contain vitamins and minerals
    Fruits and vegetables (and milk with calcium)
  • What do we need fats for?
    To store extra energy
  • What does the mouth do?
    Teeth break the food into small pieces. The tongue mixes it with saliva
  • True or False? We should eat a variety of food every day.
    True! We need to eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  • Which one is the odd one out? Why? Bread, oil, cereal, potatoes.
    Oil! The others contain carbohydrates, but oil contains fats
  • What is the esophagus?
    It's a long tube the connects the mouth to the stomach.
  • What do the kidneys do?
    They remove excess water and waste products and turn them into urine.