
Conversation Kids 5 Unit 3&4

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  • Were they sitting in the café?
    Yes, they were.
  • What were you doing yesterday?
    I was .......
  • What was she doing yesterday?
    She was watching TV.
  • What was she doing?
    She was taking pictures.
  • Was she staying in a hotel?
    Yes, she was.
  • What was he doing yesterday?
    He was playing video games.
  • What time is it?
    It's twenty-five after twelve.
  • What time is it?
    It's ten after ten.
  • Were you and your family surfing this weekend?
    No, we weren't.
  • What were you doing this morning?
    I was.....
  • Were we Speaking English last week?
    Yes, we were.
  • Were you studying English yesterday?
    Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.
  • Was it snowing yesterday?
    No, it wasn't.
  • Was the sun shinning this morning?
    Yes, it was.
  • Were they eating pizza?
    No, they weren't.
  • Were you and your brother/sister playing video games this weekend?
    Yes, we were. / No, we weren't.
  • Was it raining this morning?
    Yes, it was.
  • Was he playing video games?
    No, he wasn't.
  • What time is it?
    It's five to four. 
  • Was he sleeping in the afternoon?
    Yes, he was.