
Road map 1 Unit A

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  • How old is your best friend?
    He's / She's... years old
  • Are you single or married?
  • Complete: My friends ___________ from Spain. ( negative)
    aren't / are not
  • Complete: Caio / not / Russian
    Caio is not (isn't) Russian.
  • Complete: Julia __________ American. (+)
  • Is Alessandra American?
    No, she isn't.
  • What 's your teacher's name?
    She's ... or It's
  • How old are you?
    I'm ... years old.
  • Where's Obama from?
    He's from the USA / He's American
  • What / email address?
    What's your email address?
  • Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
    I live in a / an...
  • How / spell / your family name?
    How do you spell your family name?
  • What number is it ? 45
  • What are your parent's names?
    They are... and ...
  • How do you spell LAWYER?
  • How are you today?
    ( great/ tired/ fine...)
  • Where / from?
    Where are you from?
  • How do you spell your first name?
    spell it
  • What's your phone number?
    It's ...
  • What's your surname?
    It's... / My surname is...
  • Are you married?
    Yes, I am / No, I'm not.
  • Describe your kitchen
    There's a / an / There are...
  • from / Michael / Japan / Is ?
    Is Michael from Japan?
  • an / Brian / American / is / citizen / not
    Brian is not an American citizen.
  • Are the Rolling Stones Brazilian?
    No, they aren't.