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  • describe a covalent bond
    electrostatic attractions. Nuclei and shared electrons
  • why does catalyst hav/not have an effect on equilib
    increases rates of both reactions equally
  • effect of increasing pressure on equilib
    moves to side with fewer moles of gas
  • type of polymerisation for polyesters
  • effect of catalyst on equilibrium
    no effect
  • explain the effect of increasing surface area on rate of reaction
    More places for successful collisions, more frequent
  • How does a catalyst work
    alternative pathway, lowers activation energy
  • do the reversible reaction sign
  • hows the periodic table arranged?
    Increasing atomic number
  • effect of decreasing pressure on equilib
    moves to side with more moles of gas
  • type of polymerisation for alkenes
  • Define Dynamic Equilbrium
    Rates both equal
  • concentration of reactants in a dynamic equilibrium are
  • define an ion
    diff number of protons and electrons
  • Effect of increasing temp on equilibrium
    Moves to endothermic side
  • example of a reversible reaction
    Right one
  • Effect of heat on ammonium chloride...
    Hydrogen chloride and Ammonia
  • Effect of decreasing temp on equilibrium
    moves to exothermic side
  • combustion, reversible?
  • Test for hydrogen gas
    LIT splint, squeaky pop