
Three Part Multi Word Verbs

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  • Resort, rely on "Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always rely on on my friends and family"
    fall back on
  • To be consistent or agree with, to be similar to other idea: "His story match to the facts as we know them"
    Tie in with
  • to act as a substitute "I occupied his role in the firm while he was away"
    Fill in for
  • Make a short visit to someone "I'll pay a quick visit to Mary on my way home"
    look in on
  • Move as fast as someone else "You need to be as fast as as in the race or you will not reach the end"
    Keep up with
  • Delay something, wait to do do something. "Please wait until after I've gone to start playing the drums!"
    Hold off on
  • compensate for time lost "We need to compensate for the time we have not seen each other and talk about our wedding!"
    catch up on
  • Do something you promised to do "I am going to fire him. I said that I would do it and I am doing it tomorrow"
    go through with
  • Become ill "I think I have got flue"
    Come down with
  • Be ready for something that might cause you harm "Be careful of pickpockets. They always operate in that area"
    watch out for
  • to attempt to impress in order to gain the favor of "He's always making what the boss wants"
    Play up to
  • Reduce the amount of something "I need to reduce the amount of cigarettes I smoke. I smoke far too much"
    cut down on
  • To be the deciding factor: "At the end of the day, it's money what it matters"
    Come down to
  • have health, energy for "I'm so tired that I don't even want to go to the party anymore"
    Feel up to
  • to act as a preliminary or introduction to, come before something "These incidents brought the death of many demonstrators as a consequence"
    Lead up to
  • to listen to a conversation without joining it "The other passengers' faces showed they were overhearing our conversation"
    Listen in on
  • To receive criticism or blame: "He's going to receive a lot of criticism".
    Come in for
  • Think that you are better than someone else "Mr Smith thinks he is superior to everyone else. He is always despising others"
    Look down on
  • Tolerate or endure "I won't tolerate this behaviour in the school"
    Put up with
  • Compensate : "She compensated for being rude to me yesterday by inviting me out for coffee.
    Make up for
  • Suceed in reaching some level of learning that you did not have before: "I am finally up to date with History. I wasn't able to study for months"
    Catch up with
  • Speak or act in support of. "In case of bullying you need to defend your brother"
    Stand up for
  • Escape blame, punishment, or undesirable consequences for (an act that is wrong or mistaken): "She was not charged by the crime. She always _____ _______ _______ everything wrong she does!
    Get away with