
Present perfect simple or continuous.

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  • I have eaten means?
    I am not hungry.
  • You look really tired. What have you been doing?
    I have been working / running / sleeping badly / revising, etc.
  • Emily hasn't finished her work yet. Can she go out?
  • Piseth has never flown. He is flying next week. By the end of next week, he _________ ___________ _____________ (fly).
    By the end of next week, he will have flown.
  • I have eaten all the burgers. What are the possible meanings? a. I am full. b. I feel sick. c. All. d. We need to buy some more.
    c. All
  • You look wet. Has it been _________?
  • They have _________ out all day and they are not back yet.
  • There are no chocolates left. Why?
    Someone has eaten them.
  • Someone's in the house! They must've broken in. Correct or incorrect?
  • The Khmer have seem a rising economy this year. Are the Khmer making more money?
  • I can't go out tonight. My motorbike has break down. Correct or Incorrect
    Incorrect: My motorbike has broken down.
  • You're so wet. Why?
    I has been raining.
  • It has been raining / has rained all morning. Which is correct?
    It has been raining all morning. Because we can see the result.
  • They have finished the food.
    Can you eat?
  • I need someone to translate my English into Khmer. You can help because - You _______ ________ ________ English for ten years
    You have been studying English for ten years.
  • I have been spending a lot of money. How much money does this person have left to spend?
    Nobody knows.
  • Piseth has never flown. He is flying next week. Will this be a new experience?