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  • What are their plans for next holidays?
    They ARE GOING TO GO to Paris.
  • What are they doing at the moment?
    They ARE WATCHING a movie.
  • Yesterday, I ________ (need) help with homework so my mother _______ (explain) everything to me.
    Yesterday, I NEEDED help with homework so my mother EXPLAINED everything to me.
  • While he ___________ (talk) to Maria, Susan entered and asked us a question.
    While he WAS TALKING to Maria, Susan entered and asked us a question.
  • Last week I ______ (go) to the cinema but I _________ (not/like) the movie.
    Last week I WENT to the cinema but I DIDN'T LIKE (not/like) the movie.
  • What will happen on Friday?
  • My cat always __________ (sleep) on the sofa.
    My cat always SLEEPS on the sofa.
  • I never have breakfast. I ________ (NOT/LIKE) getting up early.
    I never have breakfast. I DON'T LIKE getting up early.
  • Tomorrow at 12, we _________ (have) a picnic with friends.
    Tomorrow at 12, we ARE HAVING a picnic with friends.