
Autonomic Nervous System

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  • Dilation of airways for easier breathing
    sympathetic activity
  • increased pupil dilation
    sympathetic activity
  • Contraction of smooth muscle of hair follicles, causing "goose bumps"
    sympathetic activity
  • point of CNS origin is in the brainstem and sacrum (S2-S4) craniosacral
  • Causes a dry mouth, dilates bronchioles
    sympathetic nervous system
  • Neurotransmitter at the ganglion is Acetylcholine
    both sympathetic and parasympathetic
  • neurotransmitter at target synapse is norepinephrine (adrenergic neurons)
  • Short cholinergic preganglionic fibers.
    sympathetic system
  • type of neurotransmitter receptors at target synapse are adrenergic-alpha & beta
    sympathetic nervous system
  • Receptor at the ganglion is nicotinic
    both sympathetic and parasympathetic
  • Short cholinergic postganglinic fibers
    parasympathetic system
  • point of CNS origin is T1-L2 or thoracolumbar
    sympathetic activity
  • Long adrenergic postganglionic fibers
    sympathetic system
  • Dominates in relaxed situations
    parasympathetic system
  • Contraction of the urinary bladder and relaxation of internal urethral sphincter, causing urination
    parasympathetic activity
  • Originates in the cranial and sacral regions of the CNS
    parasympathetic system
  • Muscarinic receptors for neurotransmitters
    parasympathetic system
  • neurotransmitter at target synapse is Ach
  • type of neurotransmitter receptors at target synapse is muscarinic
  • increased blood sugar level
    sympathetic activity
  • System that dominates in emergency “flight or flight” situations
    sympathetic system
  • Stimulation causes an erection
  • Originates in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the CNS
    sympathetic system
  • Simulation causes ejaculation
    sympathetic system
  • Long cholinergic preganglionic fibers
    parasympathetic system
  • Nicotinic receptors on postganglionic neuron cell bodies
    both parasympathetic and sympathetic
  • Innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and exocrine glands
    both sympathetic and parasympathetic
  • Release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from adrenal medulla
    sympathetic activity
  • increased heart rate and blood flow to coronary arteries that supply heart muscle
    sympathetic activity