
Science challenge for 2nd ESO B

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  • How can we classify matter according to composition?
    Pure substance (element & compound) and Mixture (homogenous & heterogenous)
  • Put this number 0,00000000003478 m in scientific notation.
  • How many daL are 5 kL?
    500 dam
  • How are called all the change of state?
  • Karaoke time
  • What have in common sound and light?
    Both travel through waves
  • Time to play!
    Who is the winner?
  • Is this an element, a compound or a mixture? I think this because...
    An element.
  • Is this an element, a compound or a mixture? I think this because...
    A mixture
  • How can we change 120 km/h to m/s?
  • How much is the total force and which is the direction and sense?
  • Karaoke time
  • Which are the units in SI?
    Meter, kilogram and second.
  • Say an example of a quantitative magnitude and a qualitative magnitude.
    Is it OK?
  • How do we calculate the density?
  • Physical or chemical change? a) Burn a paper, b) Sugar solution, c) Prepare a salat, d) Rotten meat, e) Boil water, f) Ferment grape
    a) Chemical, b) Physical, c) Physical, d) Chemical, e) Physical, f) Chemical
  • Say two examples of element and two of compound
  • Which magnitudes did we use on CRASH project?
    Position, speed, time, acceleration, force.
  • What is the first, the ligthining or the thunder?
    They are at the same time.
  • Matter is...
    everything that takes up space and has mass.
  • How many second are 3,6 h?
    12 960 s
  • Say three examples of matter, and three elements which aren't matter.
  • How many cm^3 are 22 m^3?
    22 000 000 cm^3
  • Which is the temperature that water freezes? And in which it boils?
    0 ºC and 100 ºC
  • What is a magnitude?
    Any property of matter that can be measured.