
Apologia Marine bio Module 12

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  • Which of the meiofauna we looked at have 1. A basal disk, 2. A corona, 3.2 toes, 4. Is unable to attach to the substrate.
    1. Hydra, 2.rotifer, 3.rotifer, 4 nematode
  • Benthos
    Community of organisms which live on, in, or near the bottom of bodies of water
  • What three things are needed for kelp to grow?
    Sunlight, hard substrates and nutrient rich water.
  • What are two ways some algae protect themselves from being over eaten?
    1. emit foul tasting chemicals, 2. leathery exteriors, 3. regrow quickly, 4. Calcium fortified exterior
  • Nekton
    marine organisms that swim strongly enough to move against the current
  • What is the corona for on a rotifer?
    It is on the head, corona (crown) of cilia that draws a vortex of water into the mouth, which the rotifer sifts for food.
  • List 2 of the primary consumers in a vegetated soft bottom shelf community.
    Manatee, nudibranch, sea urchins, sea turtles, and Canadian geese
  • What does SCUBA stand for?
    Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
  • List 4 differences between muddy soft bottom communities and sandy softbottom communities.
    muddy:finer sediment, less O2, more organic matter, more deposit feeders. Sandy: larger sediment particles, more O2,little organic matter, more suspension feede
  • What is a Sessile organism?
    a member of the epifauna that is attached to the substrate.
  • What are the two types of soft bottom shelf communities?
    Vegetated and unvegetated (vegetated have plants such as sea grass that can secure it’s roots in the soft substrate.)
  • What are some characteristics of the seaweeds that are able to timeshare space?
    seasonal,(perennial) only grow during certain seasons, and others are fast growing and have a short life cycle, to growing in the same space the perennials grow
  • What is the difference between deposit feeders and suspension feeders?
    deposit feeder vacuum up what is on the bottom.(common to muddy bottom)suspension feeders filter what is floating in the water(common to sandy bottoms)
  • What are the two types of hard bottom shelf communities?
    Kelp forests and beds, and rocky bottom communities(covered with dense seaweed)
  • What is the primary producer in a hard bottom shelf community?
    Kelp, it needs a hard substrate to attach to.
  • What is the difference between algae(seaweed is macroscopic algae) and seagrass?
    seagrasses are considered vascular plants and have roots, stems and leaves, seaweed are multi-cellular algae and have little or no vascular tissues.
  • What is unique about how hydra eat?
    they have to rip a hole in their skin to put the food in.
  • Planktonic
    marine organism that is unable to swim strongly enough to move against the current
  • Seagrasses are hard for organisms to eat. Why is it still a major primary producer in these habitats?
    More organisms feed on the detritus that comes from dead seagrass
  • Why are Kelp forests so beneficial to the eco system?
    These underwater towers of kelp provide food and shelter for thousands of fish, invertebrates, and marine mammal species.
  • What is the key food source in an unvegetated soft bottom community?
    detritus that floats in from other communities (like estuaries) diatoms are prevalent here, but not in enough numbers to provide a plentiful food source.
  • Why are hydra such a problem in fish tanks?
    They don't die, and when they are broken into pieces they regrow whole organisms
  • What kind of soft bottom shelf community will you find where there is strong wave action and why?
    Sandy bottom because the waves wash the small particles of sediment away.
  • How can an otter population affect a kelp forest?
    They eat sea urchins. If the otter population goes down, sea urchins increase, and start eating the base of the giant kelp as their food gets scarce.
  • Define subtidal.
    always will be underwater
  • Is this a male or female nematode? how can you tell?
    male, it has a curve at the posterior end
  • Where do kelp beds/forests grow in the tropical regions of the world and why?
    Where coral reefs don’t grow, western coast of Africa and south America, because cool polar water is drawn up into these areas. (43 and 57 °F)