
Gerunds vs. Infinitives

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  • It's impossible to make someone .... something they don't want to.
  • James avoids .... fish. (EAT)
  • My daughter is thinking .... abroad - perhaps at a university in Switzerland.
    of studying
  • I must remember ........ Marta this weekend. (CALL)
    to call
  • I prefer .... to .... tennis (SWIM, PLAY)
    swimming, playing
  • She offered ... me in the hospital, but I prefer ... visitors. (VISIT, HAVE)
    to visit, not to have
  • Georg denied .... the door open.
  • In trying to take a shortcut, we only succeeded ... completely lost. (GET)
    in getting
  • I was looking forward to ..... the Basque region, but in the end, I didn't manage .... half as much as I wanted to.
    visiting, to see
  • I watched the child ... a ball.
  • They're hoping ... the lottery this weekend.
    to win
  • I miss ... abroad. (WORK)
  • What time do you expect ... at the airport?
    to arrive
  • No thanks, I'd prefer ...... - the sea is far too cold! (SWIM)
    not to swim
  • John threatened ... if his demands weren't met. (QUIT)
    to quit
  • If parents let children ... whatever they want, they will live .... it. (DO, REGRET)
    do, to regret
  • Oriol worked so hard on his project; he really deserved ... (WIN)
    TO WIN
  • I've never been very good ..... things! (REMEMBER)
    at remembering
  • I'm keen ... somewhere hot this Christmas for a change.
    on travelling
  • I'm so disappointed that Anita has refused ... to the party.
    to come
  • My colleagues insisted ... a present for me when I left the company.
    on buying
  • I'm hungry. Do you fancy ... at that new restaurant? (EAT OUT)
  • The hotel advised us ...... the water. (negative)
    not to drink
  • He carried ..... even after the teacher told him ... (MISBEHAVE, STOP)
    on misbehaving, to stop
  • I need to practise ... English.