
March 2021 Review

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  • The mockingbird is a state bird for which US State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
    C) Texas
  • The answer for 3 + 7 will give you an: A) Even answer B) Odd answer
    A) Even answer
  • Which of these animal holds a grudge? A) Hawk B) Snake C) Crow D) Raccoon
    C) Crow
  • What is the appropriate measurement to measure the height of a giraffe? A) Inches B) Yards
    B) Yards
  • What happens to your heart when you exercise? A) It beats faster B) It beats slower C) Nothing changes D) It stops
    A) It beats faster
  • Which US State is nicknamed the Golden State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
    B) California
  • Which US State is nicknamed the Lone Star State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
    C) Texas
  • Teenagers should get how many hours of sleep? A) 6-7 hours B) 7-8 hours C) 8-9 hours D) 10-11 hours
    C) 8-9 hours
  • Which US State is nicknamed the Last Frontier? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
    A) Alaska
  • What is the largest organ in your body? A) Bones B) Skin C) Stomach D) Heart
    B) Skin
  • How long does food stay in the stomach for? A) 1 hour B) 2 hours C) 3 hours D) 4 hours
    D) 4 hours
  • On what date was President's Day this year?
    February 15
  • The willow ptarmigan is a state bird of which US state? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
    A) Alaska
  • Which of the following number is NOT an odd number? A) 33 B) 44 C) 55 D) 77
    B) 44
  • Which is a following sign of stress? A) Eating well B) Sleeping early C) Feeling Nervous D) Feeling Hungry
    C) Feeling Nervous
  • How many bones does an average adult have? A) 196 B) 206 C) 216 D) 306
    B) 206
  • The quail is a state bird for which US State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
    B) California
  • What attaches bone to bone? A) Ligaments B) Tendons C) Muscles
    A) Ligaments
  • On what date is Saint Patrick's Day?
    March 17
  • When is Daylight Saving Time? A) March 7 B) March 14 C) March 21 D) March 28
    B) March 14
  • Which is the appropriate measurement to measure a pencil? A) Inches B) Feet C) Yards
    A) Inches