
In the past

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  • million years ago / exist
    Suggestion: Dinosaur existed million years ago
  • last night / save
    Suggestion: Last night, a man saved a baby from a fire
  • in 2012 / moved
    Suggestion: In 2012, we moved to this house
  • last night / finish
    Suggestion: My sister finished her homework last night
  • last month / drop
    Suggestion: Last month, I dropped my phone there
  • last Sunday / watch
    Suggestion: Last Sunday, my father and I watched a football match
  • a long time ago / listen
    Suggestion: I listened to that song a long time ago
  • in 2013 / open
    Suggestion: This mall opened in 2013
  • yesterday morning / kiss
    Suggestion: My mother kissed my brother before he went to school yesterday morning
  • a week ago / clean
    Suggestion: I cleaned my house a week ago
  • When I was in primary/ like
    Suggestion: When I was in primary, I liked reading books
  • yesterday / learn
    Suggestion: Yesterday I learned a new English word
  • an hour ago/ study
    Suggestion: I studied an hour ago
  • last period / ask
    Suggestion: My teacher asked me to do extra work in last period
  • two days ago / phone
    Suggestion: She phoned me two days ago
  • When I was ten / play
    Suggestion: When I was ten, I played video games
  • two weeks ago/ stay
    Suggestion: I stayed at my grandmother's house two weeks ago