
Giraffes Can't Dance

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  • What is a Zebra offspring called?
    A baby Zebra is a Foal.
  • What does PREHENSILE mean?
    to wrap around
  • What does a Biologist study?
    A Biologist studies Plants and Animals.
  • Say something about the Sloth.
    Lots of answers Possible!
  • Say something about the Polar Bear.
    Lots of answers possible!
  • What animal is this?
    2 .It's a monkey 1. It's a baboon
  • What is a Rhinoceros offspring called?
    A baby Rhino is a calf.
  • What instrument is the panda playing?
    The panda is playing a guitar.
  • What is a Giraffe offspring called?
    A baby Giraffe is a calf.
  • What is a Elephant called?
    A baby Elephant is a calf.
  • Name the 7 Continents.
    North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a Rhino or Rhinocerous
  • Are giraffes legs short and fat or long and thin?
    They are long and very thin.
  • Can giraffes run very well?
    No, they can't !
  • What instrument is the panda playing?
    The panda is playing a flute.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a lion!
  • Does a Zebra have Spots or Stripes?
    A Zebra has Stripes.
  • Where do Giraffes live?
    1. In Africa 2. In the African Savanna
  • What Animal is this?
    1. It's a crocodile. 2. It's an alligator
  • What animal is this?
    It is an Ostrich.
  • Can lions dance tango?
    Yes, they can!
  • What is a Lion offspring called?
    A baby Lion is a cub.
  • Does a Giraffe have Spots or Stripes?
    A Giraffe has Spots.
  • Hmmm, can this panda dance?
    No, he can't :(
  • Look at the elephant, can he dance?
    Yes, he can!
  • What are the 4 Biomes we have studied?
    The Arctic Tundra - The Desert - The Forest - The Grasslands
  • Say something about the Kit Fox.
    Lots of answers Possible!
  • What instrument is the panda playing?
    The panda is playing drums.
  • Giraffes' neck is.....
    Long and thin
  • What instrument is the cricket playing?
    He's playing a violin.