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  • Rephrase the following; "Watch out! the fire is getting bigger"
    Be careful!/ Pay attention the fire is getting bigger
  • S.O.S is short for...
    Save Our Souls
  • What do you do if you "add up" something?
    a) add something to something else b) a mathematical operation c) all of the others
  • If you you have a part-time job....
    a) you work for less than 8 hours a day b) you work 8 hours a day
  • Which one is a synonym for: "enter a place"
    a) She walked into the class b) she walked in the class
  • What's the 1st thing you do in the morning?
    a) wake up b) brush your teeth
  • When something "comes to (your) mind", What does it mean?
    You suddenly realised of soemthing, it suddenly appears into your mind
  • be jealous of sb or be jealous in sb?
    be jealous of sb
  • What's this?
    the boy is huncehd over his phone