
The Past Simple and some adjectives

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  • He went to the doctor because he was ......................(ADJECTIVE).
    He went to the doctor because he was SICK.
  • what time ..........they ...............(leave) the house this morning?
    what time did they leave the house this morning?
  • Nick .................(stand) for the bus stop for ages, but the bus .......... ..........(not arrive).
    Nick stood for the bus stop for ages, but the bus didn't arrive.
  • He fell .................... during the class. The teacher was ..................(ADJECTIVES)..
    He fell ASLEEP during the class. The teacher was ANGRY.
  • he asked for some water because he was.......................(ADJECTIVE)
    he asked for some water because he was THIRSTY.
  • When .................( start) to rain?
    When did it begin to rain?
  • I didn't sleep well yesterday. I feel .................(ADJECTIVE)
    I didn't sleep well yesterday. I feel SLEEPY.
  • The teacher .............(ask) me a question but I ........ ............. (not answer) it.
    The teacher asked me a question but I didn't answer it.
  • We ........... ...................... (not see).you during break. .............(be) you at school?
    We didn`t see you during break. Were you at school?
  • Jenny ...................(lose).her mobile phone this morning, but she ...................(find)it two hours later in her bag
    Jenny lost her mobile phone this morning, but she found it two hours later in her bag
  • We laughed at the comedy actor because he was .............(ADJECTIVE)
    We laughed at the comedy actor because he was funny.