
Passives and reported speech

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  • Parents say they can't go to work.
    They are said not to be able to go to work.
  • The judge said that the criminal had to do community service as a punishment.
    The criminal is said to have to do community service as a punishment.
  • Students know that a synopsis is a brief summary of events.
    A synopsis is known to be a brief summary of events.
  • Doctors know that antibiotics do not cure the flu.
    Antibiotics are known not to cure the flu.
  • Parents said that they had to sleep early.
    They were said to have had to sleep early.
  • People say that the internet is unavailable in class.
    The internet is said to be unavailable in class.
  • The customers said that the pizza was cold.
    The pizza was said to have been cold.
  • Scientists know that sugar makes you fat.
    Sugar is known to make you fat.
  • The doctor told her not to eat nuts.
    She was told not to eat nuts.
  • Politicians think that people don't want to change their lifestyles.
    People are thought to not want to change their lifestyles.
  • People say that dogs are more popular than cats.
    Dogs are said to be more popular than cats.
  • She said that the computer doesn't work.
    The computer was said not to work.
  • Experts believe that Global Warming is man made.
    Global Warming is believed to be man made.
  • The review reports that the movie is really good.
    The movie is reported to be really good.
  • His parents said that he had to go to school.
    He was said to have to go to school.
  • The woman screamed at her child.
    The child was screamed at.
  • The scientists say that we should use good posture.
    We are said to have to use good posture.
  • The police say that all motorcyclists must wear a helmet.
    Motorcyclists are said to have to wear a helmet.
  • Some critics think that Dracula is the best horror novel ever written.
    Dracula is thought to be the best horror novel ever written.
  • Environmentalists know that plastic straws and bags are causing massive environmental damage.
    Plastic straws and bags are known be be causing massive environmental damage.
  • People say that a synopsis is a short and clear summary.
    A synopsis is said to be a short and clear summary.
  • People say that governments can stop climate change.
    Governments are said to be able to stop climate change.
  • The sign says that we can't swim on this beach.
    We are said to be unable to swim on this beach.
  • More people say that they love cats more than dogs.
    They are said to love cats more than dogs.
  • The doctor said that they cannot eat too many sweets.
    They are said not to be able to eat to many sweets.
  • People think that Lucy is Harker's fiancee.
    Lucy is thought to be Harker's fiancee.
  • Some people think that Mina put Jonathon into danger by sending him to Transylvania.
    Mina is thought to have put Jonathon into danger by sending him to Transylvania.
  • Make this into the passive: People say that they can't get the internet in class.
    They are said to be unable to get the internet in class.
  • People think that lions are the kings of the jungle.
    Lions are thought to be the kings of the jungle.
  • Scientists say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
    Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day.
  • Parents said that children have to study harder.
    Children were said to have to study harder.
  • Make this into the passive: Doctors say that smoking is really bad for you.
    It is said that smoking is really bad for you. Smoking is said to be really bad for you.
  • Teachers tell us that fish swim in the sea.
    Fish are said to swim in the sea.
  • Some people argue that two heads are better than one.
    Two heads are argued to be better than one.