
Chapter 10: Expansion and Growth

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  • What was the interstate slave trade?
    the buying and selling of slaves within the United States
  • Explain how the Supreme Court’s decision in McCullough v. Maryland strengthened the federal government’s power.
    The Court ruled that Congress possessed implied powers, allowing Congress to do what it thinks necessary to achieve its Constitutional responsibilities.
  • What is nationalism?
    the concept of loyalty and devotion to one’s nation
  • Why did people use land subsidies?
    to build roads and railroads
  • How did the Supreme Court define the concept of “implied powers” in McCullough v. Maryland?
    the powers of Congress that allow it to achieve its responsibilities
  • What was Judith Sargent Murray’s central focus?
    women’s achievement of their full potential
  • What are implied powers?
    a power not explicitly stated in the Constitution
  • What is a spiritual?
    a religious song based on scripture and biblical figures in the Christian Bible, first sung by enslaved people in the South
  • What does unorganized territory refer to?
    lands governed by the federal government but not belonging to any state
  • Which activity was most directly related to the ideal of republican motherhood?
  • Which aspect of cotton production was greatly affected by the cotton gin?
  • What is a factory system?
    a method of production in which large crews of people performed work in one location
  • What is a subsidy?
    government funds for improvements or support of commerce
  • What was the Lowell Offering?
    a monthly magazine published by mill workers
  • Which of the following describes the situation in the antebellum, or pre-war, South?
    The poorest whites held higher status than any African Americans.
  • What is republican motherhood?
    the idea that women should raise their children to be good citizens who participated in the government
  • The Monroe Doctrine addressed the relationship between which two areas?
    Europe and the Western Hemisphere
  • What did Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vessey, and Nat Turner have in common?
    They all planned or led slave rebellions.
  • What motivated Monroe to introduce the Monroe Doctrine?
    Monroe feared that European countries might reassert their colonial power.
  • How did many enslaved people manage to assert their humanity?
    by retaining and adapting their traditional customs
  • What did cotton replace as the main cash crop?
  • Who used interchangeable parts to build rifles?
    Eli Whitney
  • Why did mill owners tend to hire girls and young women as workers?
    The owners could pay girls and young women less than they paid men.
  • What is a strike?
    a work stoppage in order to force an employer to comply with demands
  • What was the Missouri Compromise?
    an agreement that stated the people of Missouri could own slaves and be admitted to the Union along with Maine, a free state
  • To which items did Eli Whitney apply his system of interchangeable parts?
  • Explain why Robert Fulton’s steamboats were an important innovation.
    Steamboats revolutionized river travel and made shipping faster, which resulted in better and faster communication.
  • How long did widespread use of the telegraph for personal, business, and government communication last?
    more than 100 years
  • What is a reaper? (Not the Carolina Reaper)
    a machine that cuts stalks of wheat or oats
  • What are textiles?
    the cloth and clothing made from cotton and other raw materials
  • What is a monoploy?
    the complete and exclusive control of an industry by one company
  • What are interchangeable parts?
    parts of a mechanism that can be substituted one for another
  • What invention of Edmund Cartwright’s did Francis Cabot Lowell update and improve?
    power loom
  • What are tariffs?
    taxes on imported goods
  • How did the United States enter the Industrial Revolution?
    through the textile industry
  • What does the mechanical reaper do?
    cuts and gathers wheat
  • What is sectionalism?
    a loyalty to whichever section or region of the country one was from, rather than to the nation as a whole
  • Briefly explain the development and consequences of slave auctions.
    Developed: Slave auctions developed after Importation ban - Consequences: forcibly separated families, led to bonds being made by non-blood related people.
  • What effect did Eli Whitney's use of interchangeable parts have on rifles?
    Rifles were easier to repair.
  • In the first half of the nineteenth century, which statement was consistent with the ideal of republicanism?
    Good government and virtuous citizens should work toward the public good.
  • Which word best describes the economy of the South from 1800 to 1844?
  • What did McCullough v. Maryland establish?
    it established a new National Bank
  • How did some southern landowners and farmers expand their territories to maximize cotton profits?
    by seizing Native American lands
  • What is a market revolution?
    transition from a pre-industrial economy to a capitalist economy
  • When was antebellum?
    before the American Civil War
  • What is a telegraph?
    a machine that sent messages long distances by sending electrical pulses in code over electrical wires
  • What did the word republicanism mean in the early 1800s?
    a new form of representative rule
  • What is passive resistance?
    a nonviolent refusal to obey authority and laws
  • Who warned European nations not to intervene in the Western Hemisphere?
    James Monroe
  • In 1800, where did Gabriel Prosser plan a slave revolt?
  • What was the Monroe Doctrine?
    an approach to foreign policy that stated the American continents were no longer under European influence
  • What was the American System?
    a policy promoting the U.S. industrial system by use of tariffs, federal subsidies built roads and other public works, and a national bank to control currency
  • In 1821, which nation occupied present-day Alaska?
  • When was the cotton gin invented?
  • In 1822, what did Denmark Vesey use to inspire people to take over arsenals?
  • Why did the threat of sale give slave owners enormous power over enslaved people?
    The threat of sale meant that spouses could be separated. Parents, children, and siblings could also be forcibly separated often never seeing each other again.
  • What is the cotton gin?
    a machine that separates the cotton seeds and hulls from the cotton boll (tuft of cotton)
  • What was the Industrial Revolution?
    an era in which widespread production by machinery replaced goods made by hand
  • What does abolition mean?
    the act of putting an end to something, such as slavery
  • Why did Russia and Spain tolerate the Monroe Doctrine?
    They were not interested in overseas involvement after years of war in Europe.
  • In 1793, where did Samuel Slater build his first cloth factory?
    Rhode Island
  • What did the work of Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun help establish?
    the American System
  • Why can the Monroe Doctrine be considered a bold policy?
    President Monroe warned European nations against interfering in the Western Hemisphere. The U.S. did not possess any authority over Central or South America.
  • What is a steamboat?
    a boat outfitted with steam boiler engines to power the paddle wheels that propel it forward
  • Which of the following was a provision of the Missouri Compromise?
    Missouri would be admitted to the Union as a slave state.
  • Which act was a form of passive resistance that enslaved people used?
    pretending to be ill