
How well do you real know harry potter

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  • What is the name of the powder thrown into a burning fireplace to move around?
    Floo Powder
  • What is Ron Weasley's middle name?
  • What house was Moaning Myrtle in?
  • To which high school were the Dursley's planning on sending Harry before he received his invitation letter to Hogwarts?
    stonewall high
  • Which dark wizard did Albus Dumbledore defeat in 1945?
  • In Harry Potter and the philosophers stone is Draco Malfoy's father still a death eater
  • was Voldemort related to Malfoy?
    yes he was Malfoy's uncle because he got married to bellatrix and bellatrix was Malfoy's mother Narcissa'ss sister
  • Who does Dudley really marry?
    Cho Chang
  • What did Molly Weasley send to Ron for flying the magic car to school?
    A Howler
  • Where do Harry, Ron and Hermione find Ravenclaw’s Diadem?
    The Room of Requirement