
Macbeth Revision

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  • How is Malcolm and Donalbain related to Duncan
    They are his sons
  • True or False: Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to kill Banquo
    False: He does not tell her that he is planning to kill him
  • what is dramatic irony?
    when the audience knows something that the stage actors do not
  • True or false, Lady Macbeth speaks in verse (rhyming) in the second half of the play
    False, she speaks with no set rhythm to show her going mad with guilt
  • why does Lady Macbeth go sleepwalking
    Her guilt starts to play up in her part of Duncans murder
  • Who said this and to whom? There's daggers in men's smiles
    Donalbain said it to Malcolm just before they flee to Ireland
  • who said: come, you spirits... unsex me here
    Lady Macbeth (she wants the spirits to remove her femininity to make her less weak
  • who said: "I will not yield ... before young Malcom's feet"
    Macbeth says it when he is fighting Macduff
  • Which part of the play shows Duncan to be generous
    He gives the title Thane of Cawdor to Macbeth for his bravery in the battle
  • How does the witches language make them mysterious
    They speak in short rhyming lines, making their speech like a chant
  • who said: and to whom? Sleep no more, Macbeth does murder sleep
    A voice in Macbeths head - showing his guilt for murdering Duncan coming up
  • What type of atmospheric setting is used when witches are on stage
    They are always on a 'heath' with 'thunder'
  • who said: out, out, brief candle/life's but a walking shadow" and who was it said about?
    Macbeth says it about Lady Macbeth when he find out she is dead
  • Who is more suspicious of the witches prophecies? Macbeth or Banquo
  • True or False: Ambition is Macbeth's fatal flaw
  • Why is Hecate annoyed with the witches
    They have caused trouble by giving Macbeth false hopes without her knowing
  • who said: Noble Banquo,/that hast no less deserved
  • which quote is said by Lady Macbeth showing Macbeth to be weak
    "too full o'th milk of human kindness"
  • what mistake does Macbeth make after committing the murder?
    He takes the daggers with him instead of leaving them by the servants to take the blame
  • who said: Fair is foul, and foul is fair?
    The witches at the end of the opening scene
  • Which quote shows at the start of the play how much Macbeth admires Lady Macbeth
    'my dearest partner of greatness'
  • Duncan is scared to go to Macbeths castle? True or False
    False, he calls the location "pleasant"
  • who says: security/is mortels' chiefest enemy
    Hecate (meaning security creates over confidence)
  • Which one best describes Macbeth's character at the start of the play? anxious, jealous, courageous
  • Complete this: As soon as Lady Macbeth hears of the witches prophecy she...
    starts planning the murder of Duncan
  • True or False: Duncans murder is the start of the plays chaos
    True: all events go wrong after this
  • why does Macbeth see Banquo as a threat
    The witches prophecy of Banquo's sons will become kings which means Macbeth's descendants wont be
  • which 2 quotes from the witches make Macbeth certain he cant die
    'none of woman born' and 'Till Burnham wood remove to Dunsinane'
  • who said: Vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself
    Macbeth when deciding whether or not to kill Duncan
  • How does Macbeth react when he learns that Macduff is not "of woman born"
    He is shocked and realises the witches have tricked him, calling them "juggling fiends"
  • who said: something wicked this way comes" who was it about?
    The witches say it about Macbeth because he has become evil after killing Duncan and Banquo
  • Why is Banquo a better character than Macbeth
    He does not act on the witches prophecies, instead leaves things to fall into place naturally
  • who said: "all my pretty ones... pretty chickens" and who was it being referred to?
    Macduff referring to his wife and children being killed by Macbeth
  • who said: it will have blood they say - blood will have blood" also when is it said
    Macbeth says this after he sees the ghost of Banquo (meaning 1 death will lead to another)
  • What other name are the witches also referred to in the play
    the Weird sisters
  • Structural feature: How do we know that Lady Macbeths relationship with Macbeth is weakening?
    In the second half of the play they appear in less scenes together
  • who said: "This disease is beyond my practice"
    The doctor when asked if he could cure Lady Macbeth
  • Who said: Are you a man? and to whom
    Lady Macbeth said it to Macbeth after he sees the the ghost of Banquo
  • who said: out, damned spot! Out I say!
    Lady Macbeth when she is rubbing the imagined blood off her hands when sleepwalking
  • why couldn't Lady Macbeth kill Duncan herself
    She said he looks like her father
  • Which characters open the play?
    The witches
  • where do Malcolm and Donalbain go after Duncans death and why
    The flee Scotland in fear for their lives
  • What happens in the play that shows Macduff to be brave?
    He fights Macbeth to the end and kills him
  • When in the play do sleep disturbances happen showing feelings of guilt?
    Macbeth hears voices talking to him and Lady Macbeth sleep walks and 'washes blood' off her hands