
HWOO 5th 2021: Thesis Statements / Unit Info

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  • Complete the thesis statement: You should respect your friends because...
    3 reasons
  • What is a counterargument?
    An argument against the original argument
  • Pollution: noun or verb?
  • What's a counterargument for this statement: We should abolish taxes
    Answers may vary
  • Complete the thesis statement: We should save money because...
    3 reasons
  • Complete the thesis statement: It's important to be a responsible consumer because...
    3 reasons
  • What's a counterargument for this statement: We should ban all junk food
    Answers may vary
  • Most t-shirts are made from...
  • Complete the thesis statement: We should do our homework because...
    3 reasons
  • Innovate: Noun or Verb
  • Complete the thesis statement: Eating healthy is important because...
    3 reasons
  • Where does plastic come from?
    Petroleum / oil
  • Complete the thesis statement: I have the best Spanish teacher because...
    3 reasons
  • What's a counterargument for this statement: We don't need conservation
    Answers may vary
  • What's a counterargument for this statement: Dogs are the best pets
    Answers may vary