
Life B1 Unit 7

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  • a house built as part of a continuous row in a uniform style
    terraced house
  • the ________of a place are the people who live there
  • your _________is someone who shares the flat that you live in
  • if a place is _____, the things in it are not in their right place and it is not very neat. If a person is ________, they are not good at keeping their things neat and well organized
  • a ________ area is one where there are a lot of buildings and streets and not very much open space
  • if you _____ somewhere, you go on a long and difficult journey by walking
  • a ____is a group of buildings in a town or city with streets on all sides e.g. we took a walk around the ____
  • your _________is the area of the town or city around where you live
  • when you arrive in a foreign country, the ___ ___ is when you have to say or show what you are bringing into the country so that the authorities can decide if you need to pay any tax
    customs check
  • a low house having only one storey or, in some cases, upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows.
  • ______ is things like chemicals and smoke from factories that damage the air that we breathe or the rivers and land
  • somewhere that is ________does not have enough space for all the people that are there or for all the activity that takes place there
  • a _________is somewhere that gives you protection, for example from rain, cold, danger, etc
  • ____ ___ is a feeling of being unwell and wanting to be sick that some people get when travelling in a car, plane, or ship
    ravel sickness
  • if you____ _ the ground, you use heavy equipment to move the earth from the surface of the ground so that you can get to whatever lies underneath. If you ___something ___, you take it out of the ground by removing whatever is on top of it
    dig up
  • ________is an area of land which is always covered in grass
  • -
    semi-detached house
  • the __________of living things such as animals or plants is the sort of place where they exist in nature, rather than a place that has been made or changed a lot by people e.g. natural _______
  • the _______for the curtains cost £30 a metre | the factory makes different sorts of _______|
  • a ______is a kind of tent used by people in Central and East Asia who do not stay in one place for long but regularly move to a new place
  • if you are ______, your body is slightly confused because you have travelled a long distance and there is a big time difference between where you are and where you have travelled from
  • _________is the planting of new trees to bring a forest back as a forest after the earlier trees had been cut down
  • a ______building | he had a job laying ____(putting them in place) | the houses were built of red ______
  • the _______ are the things that are absolutely necessary in a situation
  • if someone _____you an amount of money, they ask you to give them that amount when they sell something to you, do a job for you, or allow you to do a particular activity