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  • [SHOULD or SHOULDN'T] Who / you ask for directions?
    Who SHOULD you ask for directions?
  • [SHOULD or SHOULDN'T] She / get angry with her children.
    She SHOULDN'T get angry with her children.
  • [SHOULD or SHOULDN'T] You / take a map in order to not get lost.
    You SHOULD take a map in order to not get lost.
  • [MUST or MUSTN'T] You _______ cross the road when the red light is showing.
    You MUSTN'T cross the road when the red light is showing.
  • Jenny is (TOO/ENOUGH) young enough to drink. She isn't old (TOO/ENOUGH).
    Jenny is TOO young to drive. She isn't old ENOUGH.
  • [Make ZERO CONDITIONAL sentences] Kim _____________ (be | sleep | if | stressed | cannot | she)
    Kim cannot sleep if she is stressed
  • Wow! I'm sorry but it costs (too many / too much) money.
    Wow! I'm sorry but it costs TOO MUCH money.
  • What is the comparative of "ATTRACTIVE" and use it in a sentence
  • What is the comparative of "CLEAN" and use it in a sentence
  • [Use the appropriate] This copy is _______ the other one.
    This copy is as bad as the other one.
  • [HAVE TO or DON'T HAVE TO] James is a smart guy, he _______ (study) a lot!
    James is a smart guy, he DOESN'T HAVE TO study a lot!
  • [SHOULD or SHOULDN'T] It's going to rain today so you / forget to take an umbrella.
    It's going to rain today so you SHOULDN'T forget to take an umbrella.
  • [Rephrase to make FIRST CONDITIONAL sentences] We won't help you. We won't have enough time.
    We won't help you if we don't have enough time.
  • What is the comparative of "FAMOUS" and use it in a sentence
  • [Rephrase to make FIRST CONDITIONAL sentences] Take up this course. You will like it.
    If you take up this course, you will like it.
  • [Rephrase to make FIRST CONDITIONAL sentences] John will be at work. He won't go with us.
    As long as John is at work, he won't go with us.
  • [Use the appropriate] Peter is _____ Fred. (not/tall)
    Peter is not as tall as Fred.
  • [HAVE TO or DON'T HAVE TO] Oh, look at the time! I _______ (run) or else I'll lose the train!
    Oh, look at the time! I HAVE TO run or else I'll lose the train!
  • [ZERO CONDITIONAL] If my parents ________ at home at weekends, I have to help with housework. (stay)
    If my parents STAY at home at weekends, I have to help with housework.
  • There are (too many / too much) problems.
    There are TOO MANY problems.
  • [Put the word ENOUGH in the correct place.] There aren't people.
    There aren't ENOUGH people.
  • [Rephrase to make FIRST CONDITIONAL sentences] I won't know his phone number. I won't be able to give him a ring.
    If I don't know his phone number, I won't be able to give him a ring.
  • What is the superlative of "BUSY" and use it in a sentence
  • What is the superlative of "BAD" and use it in a sentence
  • Come on! There really isn't (too many / too much) time!
    Come on! There really isn't TOO MUCH time!
  • [Put the word ENOUGH in the correct place.] Is the music loud?
    Is the music loud ENOUGH?
  • What is the comparative of "DIRTY" and use it in a sentence
  • [Make ZERO CONDITIONAL sentences] If _____________ (I / sick / by / feel / bus / travel / I)
    If I travel by bus, I feel sick.
  • [MUST or MUSTN'T] You _______ listen to the teacher or they won't understand.
    You MUST listen to the teacher or they won't understand.
  • [ZERO CONDITIONAL] If my father ________ in the evening, we play games on his computer. (not work)
    If my father DOES NOT WORK in the evening, we play games on his computer.
  • [Put the word ENOUGH in the correct place.] Do you have money?
    Do you have ENOUGH money?
  • There are (TOO/ENOUGH) students in the class so we may begin.
    There are ENOUGH students in the class so we may begin.
  • [Use the appropriate] The violin is ______ the cello. (not/low)
    The violin is not as low as the cello.
  • [Answer using TOO or ENOUGH] Why can't you eat fast food three times a day?
  • What is the superlative of "ADORABLE" and use it in a sentence
  • [Put the word ENOUGH in the correct place.] Do you have food to eat?
    Do you have ENOUGH food to eat?
  • [Use the appropriate] The blue car is ______ the red car. (fast)
    The blue car is as fast as the red car.
  • [Put the word ENOUGH in the correct place.] She looks happy.
    She looks happy ENOUGH.
  • [HAVE TO or DON'T HAVE TO] You ________ (run), the train is going to be delayed.
    You DON'T HAVE TO run, the train is going to be delayed.
  • [Answer using TOO or ENOUGH] What is the weather like in Antartica?
  • What is the comparative of "BAD" and use it in a sentence
  • [SHOULD or SHOULDN'T] People / be careful going home at night.
    People SHOULD be careful going home at night.
  • [MUST or MUSTN'T] We ______ leave now or we'll miss the plane.
    We MUST leave now or else we'll miss the plane.
  • I don't like it here. There are (too many / too much) tourists.
    I don't like it here. There are TOO MANY tourists.
  • [HAVE TO or DON'T HAVE TO] Do you really _______ (speak) so fast? I _______ (write down) every single word!
    Do you really HAVE TO speak so fast? I HAVE TO write down every single word!
  • What is the superlative of "CLEAN" and use it in a sentence
  • Try not to make (too many / too much) noise.
    Try not to make TOO MUCH noise.
  • [Make ZERO CONDITIONAL sentences] If _____________ (evaporate / you / water / heat / it)
    If you heat water, it evaporates.
  • [HAVE TO or DON'T HAVE TO] She has wonderful hair but she ________ (wash) it every day.
    She has wonderful hair but she HAS TO watch it every day.
  • [Use the appropriate] The tomato soup was _______ the mushroom soup. (not/delicious)
    The tomato soup was not as delicious as the mushroom soup.
  • [MUST or MUSTN'T] The exams are next week. I _______ work harder.
    The exams are next week. I MUST work harder.
  • This coffee is (TOO/ENOUGH) hot. I cannot drink it.
    This coffee is TOO hot. I cannot drink it.
  • [Rephrase to make FIRST CONDITIONAL sentences] We'll have a nap after lunch. We'll be sleepy.
    We'll have a nap after lunch if we are sleepy.
  • What is the comparative of "ADORABLE" and use it in a sentence
  • [MUST or MUSTN'T] You ______ cross the roads without looking. It's dangerous.
    You MUSTN'T cross the roads without looking. It's dangerous.