
Upper extremities

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  • Where is the CR for axial clavicle?
    0-15 degree ceph angle to the inferior border of the clavicle 15-30 degree ceph if the patient is supine
  • how is the pt position for AP clavicle?
    AP upright or supine
  • What technique is used for clavicle?
  • What are the two views for scapula?
    AP and Lateral
  • What are the two views of the humerus?
    AP and Lateral
  • How is the pt positioned for axial clavicle view?
    Lordotic position
  • Proximal humerus, clavicle and scapula are the structures shown for which view?
    Transthoracic lateral
  • How is the pt positioned for AP humerus?
    Anatomic position
  • What are the two views for shoulder?
    External and internal
  • Where is the CR located on the Scapula Y view?
    Scapulahumeral joint
  • What are the two views for the clavicle?
    AP and AXIAL
  • How is the pt position for AP scapula?
    Place the arm over head to move the scapula lateral
  • What are the structures shown for AP scapula?
    Entire scapula
  • What is the pt position for transthoracic lateral view?
    injured are against the IR, uninjured are about the head
  • Where is the CR for the external shoulder view?
    IR 1" above the shoulder or 1" below the coracoid
  • What is the breathing technique for axial clavicle?
  • What are the structures shown for inferior/superior axial view?
    Scapulohumeral jt, coracoid, lesser tubercle in profile and AC jt
  • What is the pt position for external shoulder view?
    Anatomical position
  • How is the pt positioned for lateral humerus?
    Anterior side of the hand against the hip (tea cup)
  • For the internal view of the shoulder, where is the CR?
    IR 1" above the shoulder or 1" below the coracoid
  • What are the structures shown for lateral scapula?
    Flex elbow behind the back for acromion and coracoid. Arm across the chest for body of the scapula
  • What are the techniques used for the shoulder views?
  • Where is the CR for lateral scapula?
    IR 2" above the shoulder, medial border of the protruding scapula
  • What are the structures shown for lateral humerus?
    Lesser tubercle
  • Where is the CR for the AP scapula?
    IR 2" above the shoulder, or 2" below the coracoid
  • How is the pt position for lateral scapula?
    RAO or LAO 45-60 degree from the IR
  • What is the breathing technique for AP scapula?
    Slow respiration
  • What is the breathing technique for AP clavicle?
  • How is the pt position for scapula y view?
    Body is anterior and rotated 45-60 degree, so that the scapula forms a 90 degree plain to the IR
  • What are the structures shown for axial clavicle?
    axial view of the clavicle
  • Where is the CR for inferior/superior axial view?
    Horizontal 15-30 degrees though the axial
  • What view is appropriate when a dislocation is expected?
    Scapula Y
  • What are the structures shown for AP humerus?
    Greater tubercle
  • Where is the CR for AP humerus?
    IR is 1 1/2 above the shoulder of mid-humerus
  • What are the structures shown for scapula y view?
    humeral head superimposed over the junction of the Y. Proximal humerus, coracoid, acromion, and scapula
  • What are the structures shown for AP clavicle?
    Entire clavicle
  • Of the special views of the shoulder, which view requires a grid over the IR?
    Inferior/Superior axial
  • Where is the CR of the transthoracic lateral view?
    Surgical neck and midcoronal plane
  • How is the pt positioned for the internal view of the shoulder?
    Posterior side of the hand against the hip
  • What view is appropriate when a fracture is expected?
    Transthoracic lateral view
  • What is the technique used for special views of shoulders?
  • Where is the CR for the lateral view of the humerus?
    IR 1 1/2" above the shoulder or 1" mid-humerus
  • What are the structures shown for internal view of shoulder?
    Lesser tubercle
  • What are the special views of the shoulder?
    Transthoracic lateral, inferior/superior axial and scapula Y
  • Where is the CR located for AP Clavicle?
    midshaft of the clavicle
  • What are the structures shown for external shoulder view?
    Greater tubercle
  • How is the pt positioned for inferior/superior axial view?
    arm abducted, arm external rotated, build up the shoulder 3"
  • What technique is used for AP and Lateral humerus?