
Pelvis and Hip

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  • What is the CR for lateral hip?
    At the hip joint; midway b/w the ASIS and pubic symphysis. Centered to IR
  • What is the pt position for AP HIP?
    Heels 8-10 degrees apart, toes medially rotated 15-20 degrees
  • How is the tube positioned for clements bilateral injury?
    Perpendicular tobb by the long axis of the femoral neck.
  • What technique is used for AP HIP?
  • What view is the tube perpendicular to the femoral neck and centered to IR?
    AP HIP
  • How is the IR positioned for Clements Bilateral injury?
    10x12 Crosswise with grid cover and tilt the IR back 15 degrees
  • Where is the CR for Clements Bilateral injury?
    CR enters the groin area at the point midway between the anterior and posterior surfaces of the upper thigh
  • Where is the CR for AP HIP?
    2 1/2 distal between ASIS and pubic symphysis
  • How is the pt positioned for lateral hip?
    Adjust pt to flex the affected knee, draw the thigh up to a position to a right angle to the hip. Keep the body of affected femur parallel to the table.
  • What is the pt position for AP pelvis?
    Heels 8-10" apart, toes inverted 15-20 degrees
  • What technique is used for lateral hip view?
  • How is the tube positioned for lateral hip view?
    Perpendicular though the hip joint
  • What are the structures shown for lateral hip?
    The femoral head, neck, proximal 1/3 of the body of the femur. Greater trochanter in profile.
  • What are the structures shown for Clements Bilateral injury?
    Acetabulum, head, neck and trochanters of the femur
  • Where is the CR for AP pelvis?
    IR 1" above the crest
  • What are the structures shown for AP pelvis?
    Pelvis, pubic symphysis, femoral head, neck, trochanters and proximal 1/3 pf femoral shaft.
  • What are the structures shown for AP hip?
    Femoral head, neck and proximal 1/3 of the body of the femur. Greater trochanter in profile.
  • Do you use a grid for the trauma views of the hip?
  • How is the patient positioned for Clements Bilateral injury?
    Supine position with affected side near edge
  • How is the tube positioned for Axiolateral hip?
    Perpendicular to the long axis of the femoral neck
  • How is the pt positioned for Axiolateral hip?
    Rest unaffected leg on a suitable support, adjust the pelvis so that it is not rotated
  • What are the trauma views of the hip?
    1. axiolateral hip, danelius miller, true lateral, cross table lateral 2. clements bilateral injury
  • What technique is used for AP pelvis?
  • What are the structures shown for Axiolateral hip?
    Acetabulum, head, neck and trochanters of the femur
  • How is the tube positioned for AP Pelvis?
    2" below the ASIS
  • Where is the CR for Axiolateral hip?
    CR enters the groin area at the point midway between the anterior and posterior surfaces of the upper thigh
  • What is in profile for AP pelvis?
    Greater trochanter in profile
  • What is the technique used for trauma views of the hip?