
Positive Self-talk

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  • How can you challenge self blame?
    Is there any other reason this situation could have occurred?
  • What is 'Filtering'?
    Ignoring the positive and magnifying the negative
  • What is an example of 'All or Nothing' thinking?
    "I always make a fool of myself", "I never do anything right"
  • What is 'Blaming Others'?
    Justifying your actions by blaming someone else or outside reasons
  • If I catch myself in 'All or Nothing' thinking, how can I challenge that?
    What evidence do I have that what I’m thinking is really true? What is the evidence against it?
  • What is an example of filtering?
    Yes, I got a good grade on the test, but I got one question wrong so I'm not very smart
  • What is 'Catastrophizing'?
    Having a reaction that is bigger than the problem
  • Why is it important to 'Cherish it' and recognize the positive feelings that come when you change negative to positive thoughts?
    Noticing rewards changes your brain - you're more likely to have a similar positive thought in the future
  • What is 'Self Blame'?
    You think something is your fault even when you had nothing to do with it
  • What is an example of challenging a negative thought?
    Is this thought helpful? What is a more healthy thought?
  • What is an example of Catastrophizing?
    I didn't turn in one assignment, I'm going to have to repeat this grade
  • What is 'All or Nothing' Thinking?
    Believing that things are either all good or all bad. Black and white thinking. "I always..", "I never.."
  • What are the Five Cs of Changing your self-talk?
    Catch it, Control it, Challenge it, Change it, Cherish it
  • What does 'Control it' mean about negative thoughts?
    Tell yourself, 'Stop it!' (say it out loud if possible)
  • What is an example of challenging a negative thought?
    What would I tell a friend in this situation? (perhaps follow this advice)
  • If I catch myself catastrophizing, how can I challenge that?
    What is the worst/best/most likely outcome? If the worst did happen, how could I cope? Would I live through it?