
Farm to Fork Dairy Review

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  • What is the name for a mixture of 2 or more liquids that normally would not mix? (Ice cream s an example of this)
  • What US state produces the most milk?
  • What is the process of heating milk to destroy pathogenic bacteria?
  • When making butter, how does the buttermilk (liquid) separate from the butterfat?
    Shaking/churning action
  • T/F: If antibiotics are found in milk, it must be dumped out & the farmer is financially responsible.
  • T/F: The milk/dairy industry does not have very many government regulations it has to follow.
    False- milk is one of the most heavily regulated foods in the US
  • What is the term for adding supplemental vitamins & minerals to a food?
  • What is an example of a dairy alternative?
    Almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk, lactose free milk, etc.
  • What is homogenization?
    Process to reduce fat globule size so that fat is evenly distributed and does not separate
  • T/F: Several different microorganisms may be used in cheesemaking to change the flavor of the cheese.
  • What is a milking parlor?
    Place where cows go to be milked using an automated system
  • How long does the cheese ripening/curing process take?
    A few weeks to several years
  • What is the difference between curds & whey in cheesemaking?
    Curds = semisolid substance that forms into cheese; whey = liquid that is drained from the curd
  • Why is salt used in the ice cream making process?
    To speed up the rate of freezing, resulting in smaller ice crystals and a reamier product
  • What is standardization?
    Milk is processed through separators to create skim (water) & cream portions
  • What is rennet and what does it do in cheesemaking?
    Enzyme; used as a coagulating agent to form cheese curds and separate the whey
  • Why does non-homogenized milk need to be shaken before drinking/using?
    The fat rises to the top in solid form
  • T/F: Pasteurized milk cannot spoil.
  • Is there more water or fat/protein/vitamins in milk?
    Water (87%)
  • Which results in a creamier ice cream product: More or less fat?
    More fat = creamier ice cream
  • Which is usually cheaper in the store: Margarine or butter?
  • What 2 things are added to ice cream to keep its consistency and creaminess?
    Stabilizers & emulsifiers
  • Which has more fat: Half and Half or Heavy Cream?
    Heavy Cream
  • Margarine is primarily made of what?
    Vegetable oils