
Fun with Email

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  • When you have a lot of things to do, you're __________.
  • When you are 85 years old, why will you still be using email?
  • What is the most important thing about email?
  • A very formal way to apologize that sounds like you're asking their permission to do it, is __________.
    allow me to apologize for
  • If you could get an email from someone who is no longer alive, who would it be from?
  • Why do people send emails when they could send text messages?
  • When someome is informed of changes to something just before it's planned to happen, it's __________.
    short notice
  • What is the strangest email that you have ever read?
  • An informal/neutral way to say that you can't attend something, is __________.
    I can't make it
  • An informal way to ask someone if it's possible to have a meeting later, is __________.
    any chance we can put the meeting on hold
  • An explanation why you can't do/attend something that refers to a previous arrangement/plan, is __________.
    due to a prior commitment
  • An informal explanation why you can't attend a meeting that doesn't say the reason, is __________.
    something very important has just come up
  • An explanation why you can't do something because of something in your private life, is __________.
    due to personal reasons
  • A very formal way to ask if it's possible to have the meeting on a later day, is __________.
    Would you object if we postponed
  • What kind of email makes you happy?
  • A formal way to ask someone what day they would prefer to have a meeting on, is __________.
    what day would be convenient for you