
Health and Human Development Unit 1 Review

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  • Define Social health and wellbeing
    the ability to form meaningful relationships and adapt to different social situations. Also includes friends, family and community
  • mental health and wellbeing
    state of wellbeing of a person's mind or brain and the ability to process information.
  • What does YLD stand for?
    Years of Life Lost due to Disability
  • According to the study in the textbook (p.21), What is the #1 issue of concern for young people?
    Coping with stress
  • Prevalence refers to...
    the total number of cases of a condition at a given time
  • What are "Health indicators"?
    standard statistics that are used to measure and compare health status
  • Define "Infirmity"
    the state of being weak or ill
  • What is burden of disease?
    a measure of the impact of diseases and injuries;
  • Would you like 15 points?
  • According to the study in our textbook (p.12) Which emotion #1 emotion experienced by people daily?
    Joy (35%)
  • Incidence refers to...
    the number of new cases of a condition in a given period
  • Define Spiritual health and wellbeing
    ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the minds of human beings. Also includes hope, peace, reflection and religion.
  • Define "self esteem"
    a person's overall emotional evaluation of their own worth.
  • What is the #1 cause of death for 15-19 year olds?
    Injuries and poisoning
  • What number am I thinking of right now (between 1-10)
  • Define Emotional health and wellbeing
    ability to understand and express emotions in yourself and others.
  • What does YLL stand for?
    Years of Life Lost
  • Physical health and wellbeing
    functioning of the body and it's systems
  • What is the life expectancy in Australia? (according to World Bank)
  • What does DALY stand for?
    Disability adjusted life years
  • Who kicked the first goal in the 2020 AFL Grand Final?
    Dion Prestia
  • What are the 3 core activities?
    relate to three main areas of life: self-care, mobility and communication
  • Define "Morbidity"
    ill health in an individual and levels of ill health within a population
  • Define "Mortality"
    the number of deaths in a population in a given period