
Mineral and Rock Test

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  • What are the two minerals on Moh's scale that are harder than a copper penny, but softer than glass?
    Fluorite and Apatite
  • What property describes the way a mineral reflects light? Give the 2 main groups.
    Luster - Metallic and NonMetallic
  • Name 1 of the 3 minerals that is used in iron ore.
    Magnetite, Hematite, and Limonite
  • Limestone, Sandstone and Coal are what type of rock?
  • Which specific type of rock is this?
    Foliated Metamorphic
  • The process that moves sediment from place to place
  • The color left behind when a mineral is rubbed against an unglazed porcelain plate
  • What process leads to the breakdown of rock through physical or chemical means
  • Which specific type of rock is this?
    Extrusive Igneous
  • Which mineral is used in drywall?
  • Name and describe the processes that form Sedimentary rock?
    Compaction - press together and Cementation - minerals from a solution harden to hold together the sediment
  • Which specific type of rock is this?
    Extrusive Igneous
  • Which mineral is used in clocks and watches?
  • What property refers to how a mineral breaks?
    Cleavage and Fracture
  • What is the difference between an extrusive and intrusive igneous rock?
    Extrusive forms from lava and cool quickly, but intrusive form from magma and cool slowly
  • Which specific type of rock is this?
    Clastic Sedimentary
  • Name the two mienrals on Moh's Hardness scale that  you could scratch with your fingernail
    Gypsum and Talc
  • All minerals have a crystalline structure, so why are only some visible on the outside?
    It depends on the space available for the atoms to arrange. If there is a lot of space crystals will be on the outside
  • Mineral used in Lead Ore
  • Which specific type of rock is this?
    Intrusive Igneous
  • Name one mineral when in its pure form is also considered a gemstone.
    Diamond, Topaz, or Turquoise
  • Give me one gemstone that is formed from each of these minerlals. Quartz, Beryl, and Corundum
    Quartz = Amethyst & Citrine; Beryl = Aquamarine & Emerald; Corundum = Ruby & Sapphire
  • Pearl, Amber, and Coal are minerals - explain your answer
    False - these are all organic
  • How many basic crystal shapes are there? Name 3
    6 - Cubic, Hexagonal, Monoclinic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Triclinic
  • What are two minerals on the Moh's scale that could scratch Feldspar?
    Quartz, Topaz, Corundum, Diamond
  • These rocks often form in areas where there is intense geologic activity due to the increased heat a pressure
  • What is the equation for Density?
    Mass divided by Volume
  • What is the difference between a foliated and un-foliated metamorphic rock?
    Foliated have distinct bands of minerals
  • Give an example of a clastic sedimentary rock?
    Sandstone, Conglomerate, Siltstone
  • Marble and Schist are what types of rock?