
KB4 Unit 5

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  • Change to past tense (SAY IT CORRECTLY!): start
    started ("id")
  • She was angry _________ her classmate copied her.
  • the opposite of quiet
  • The cat / catch / a mouse. (PAST)
    The cat caught a mouse.
  • A turtle is ___________________ a cat. (SLOW)
    slower than
  • Make a question in PAST: he / see / a film?
    Did he see a film?
  • the opposite of clean
  • My mom / take / medicine when she / is / sick. (PAST)
    My mom took medicine when she was sick.
  • We ______ a map, but we still got lost. (HAVE) - past
  • Make a question in PAST: you / make / chicken for dinner?
    Did you make chicken for dinner?
  • She ___________ home very late after basketball practice. (COME) - past
  • Change to past tense (SAY IT CORRECTLY!): sail
    sailed ("d" - NOT "id")
  • He was tired _________ he went to sleep.
  • the opposite of dirty
  • They / go / to school every day when they / are / children. (PAST)
    They went to school every day when they were children.
  • Make a question in PAST: When / David / go / to the museum?
    When did David go to the museum?
  • We _____________ at 5 o'clock in the morning! It was too early! (GET UP) - past
    got up
  • Running 5 kilometres is __________________________ running 1 kilometre. (DIFFICULT)
    more difficult than
  • He was tired _________ he ran seven kilometres.
  • She / lose / her favourite necklace. (PAST)
    She lost her favourite necklace.
  • He __________ the hidden pirate treasure! (FIND) - past
  • when you want to eat food
  • the opposite of wrong
  • Ariana Grande is ________________________ your mom. (FAMOUS)
    more famous than
  • Jumping is _________________________ skipping rope. (EASY)
    easier than
  • She was hungry __________ she ate a sandwich.
  • Change to past tense (SAY IT CORRECTLY!): walk
    walked ("t")
  • when you want to drink water
  • Make a question in PAST: Where / you / see / that film?
    Where did you see that film?