
Past simple, past continuous

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  • Tina (lose) her keys while she (run) to school in the morning
    lost , was running
  • I (not ansewr) the phone because (have) a shower
    didn't answer / was having
  • -She (eat) breakfast when her dog (break) the vase in the living room
    was eating, broke
  • (read) Monica a book when she (hear) the noise?
    was Monica reading, heard
  • Paul (read) a magazine while Pam (cook ) tomato soup
    was reading, was cooking
  • When my mother (come), I (sleep)
    came , was sleeping
  • It (not/rain) while we ( play) tennis
    wasn't raining / were playing
  • Mark and his friends (not play) football at 7 p.m
    weren't playing
  • They (not listen) to the teacher, so they (not know) what the answer was
    weren't listening/ didn't know
  • Last week I (drop) my mum's favourite cup and (break) it
    dropped, broke
  • They (skateboard) in the park yesterday morning, when I (meet) them
    were skateboarding, met
  • The girls (swim) in the swimming pool when it (start) to get cold
    were swimming, started
  • I (not listen) to my English teacher when he (talk) to me this morning
    wasn't listening/ was talking
  • I (not listen) to my English teacher when he (talk) to me this morning
    wasn't listening/ was talking
  • Ann (go) to the theatre group last Friday evening
  • While Mary (try) to send the text message, her phone (ring)
    was trying, rang
  • What (do) you while I (wash)the car?
    were you doing/was washing