
Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids

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  • Why do we use metals to make our pots and pans?
    metals conduct heat
  • True or False: Most of the nonmetals are solid at room temperature.
    False. Most are gases.
  • ____ is the most commonly found metalloid on Earth.
  • Which side of the periodic table has LESS reactive elements?
    right side
  • Which two groups of elements are located UNDER the rest of the table?
    actinides and lanthanides
  • The Noble Gases have ___ valence electrons.
  • Why is Hydrogen a "weird" nonmetal off by itself with the metals?
    It has 1 valence electron like the Alkali metals
  • True or False: Most nonmetals are good conductors.
    False. Most do NOT conduct heat or electricity.
  • Which family has characteristics of both metals and nonmetals?
  • ___ is the group of elements beside the Noble Gases.
    The Halogens
  • True or False: Alkali metals are not found uncombined in nature.
  • The ____ group of nonmetals are harmful to humans when not found in compounds.
    The Halogens. For example, Chlorine
  • Where are the nonmetals located on the periodic table?
    on the right side
  • When an element can be a conductor one minute and an insulator the next, it is called a ____.
  • Which group has only 2 valence electrons?
    Alkaline earth metals
  • An element's reactivity has to do with which subatomic particle?
  • The ability to be made into wire is called ____.