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  • What two names does the protagonist of the Odyssey have?
    Odysseus and Ulysses
  • What was the name of the cyclops in chapter 4?
  • What did the cyclops pray to Poseidon to do?
    Visit Ulysses with storm and shipwreck and sorceries; let him wander many before he reaches home, and when he gets there let him find himself forgotten/unwanted
  • What did the men become addicted to when they visited Lotusland?
    eating flowers
  • What was the promise that Aphrodite gave to Paris?
    he should have any woman he looked upon with desire
  • How many of Ulysses' men died fighting the Ciconians?
  • How did Ulysses show that he is a hero in Lotusland?
    One by one he carried the sleeping men to the ships
  • Which three goddesses want the golden apple?
    Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
  • Who is Eurylochus in The Adventures of Ulysses?
    a tough, crafty old warrior (and sailor)
  • Who is the god of the sea?
  • Who did Helen run away with to Troy?
  • Who was not invited to a special wedding at the beginning of the Iliad?
    Eris, the god of Discord
  • What does Ulysses call himself when asked his name by the cyclops?
  • What happened when the Ciconians were attacked by Ulysses & his men?
    They went to the hills, but called together their kinsmen of other villages and attacked back
  • Where is the first place on Ulysses' journey as he leaves Troy?
    The Ciconians
  • What piece of fruit did the Iliad begin with?
  • How did the Greeks trick the Trojans-- and then conquered them?
    Trojan horse
  • What causes the cyclops to fall asleep?
  • What happened to the loot that Ulysses and his men dropped into the water after fleeing the Ciconians?
    Naiads saw the treasure and called to the men; Poseidon was angered
  • Who was Morpheus?
    god of sleep, nephew of Hades, son of Hypnos
  • Who does the cyclops pray to for help when Ulysses and his men leave the cyclops' cave?
  • How long did the Greeks camp outside of the walls of Troy?
    10 years
  • How many ships does Ulysses sail with on his journey for 10 long years after the Trojan War?
  • How were dreams explained in the chapter The Lotus-Eaters?
    Morpheus creates bright pictures called dreams