
Be verb

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  • I ___ a junior high school student.
    I am a junior high school student.
  • _____ you a soccer fan?
    Are you a soccer fan?
  • ____ you a doctor?
    Are you a doctor?
  • Ms. Hayashi ____ a music teacher.
    Ms. Hayashi is a music teacher.
  • That ___ my father.
    That is my father.
  • ____ that your father's car?
    Is that your father's car?
  • ____ this your dog?
    Is this your dog?
  • ____ that your desk?
    Is that your desk?
  • You ____ a teacher.
    You are a teacher.
  • This ____ your computer.
    This is your computer.
  • You ____ ____ a college student. (✖)
    You are not a college student.
  • My sister ____ very pretty.
    My sister is very pretty.
  • I ___ from Brazil.
    I am from Brazil.
  • He ___ ___ a good tennis player. (✖)
    He is not a good tennis player.
  • This ___ ____ a new bike. (✖)
    This is not a new bike.
  • ___ this your dictionary?
    Is this your dictionary?
  • ___ your sister a basketball player?
    Is your sister a basketball player?
  • I ___ ___ from New York. ( ✖)
    I am not from New York.
  • He ___ Mr. White.
    He is Mr. White.
  • _____ they your children?
    Are they your children?
  • ____ they twins?
    Are they twins?
  • Those ____ your apples.
    Those are your apples.
  • ___ he an English teacher?
    Is he an English teacher?
  • We ____ baseball players.
    We are baseball players.
  • These ____ ____ your books. (✖)
    These are not your books.
  • Those ____ beautiful pictures.
    Those are beautiful pictures.