
Reproduction in Plants

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  • Give 2 structural adaptations of wind pollinated flowers
    feathery stigma, stigma is outside petals, stamens (or anthers) outside petals, no nectar, smaller/less bright petals
  • Which part of the flower becomes a fruit following fertilisation?
  • Give three requirements for a seed to germinate
    water, warmth (suitable temperature), oxygen
  • Name the 3 parts that make up the female carpel/ pistil of a flower
    Stigma, Style & Ovary
  • Where specifically are the ovules stored?
  • What is the name of the female part of the flower?
    carpel/ pistil
  • Links the stigma to the ovary
  • What name is given to the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower, or to another flower of the same plant?
    Self pollination
  • What is the function of the flower?
  • Which part of the flower becomes a seed following fertilisation?
    The ovule
  • Pollination is the transfer of pollen from ______ to _______
    Anther to Stigma
  • Name the 2 parts that make up the male stamen of a flower
    Anther and filament
  • What part of the flower supports the anther?
  • Name #6
  • Give 2 structural adaptations of an insect pollinated flower
    stigma inside petals, stamens (or anthers) inside petal, nectary, larger/brighter petals
  • The process when two gametes join and their nuclei fuse together is called as
  • What is the process of seed developing into a plant called?
  • Name #7
  • What 2 methods of pollination are used by most flowers?
    Insects & wind
  • What is the function of petals in flower
    atrtract insects/ pollinators to the flower
  • Mention 2 advantages of asexual reproduction
    Shorter time to have a mature plants, Create a lot of identical plants
  • Which specific part of the flower produces pollen?
  • Seeds are dispersed away from the parent plant so that when they germinate they don't compete for resources. Give 2 resources plants compete for.
    Light, Water, mineral ions
  • Involves two gametes. What type of reproduction is it?
    Sexual reproduction
  • Which number of the pollen grains that involved in insect pollination?
    No 1
  • These protect the flower while it is in the bud. What is it?
  • What name is given to the transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant onto the stigma of a different plant?
    cross pollination
  • What is the name of the male part(s) of the flower?