
Cricket vs. Baseball

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  • Unique A.(opposing) B.(distinctive) C.(swing)
    B. distinctive
  • To change one thing to another thing. (two answers) A.(swap) B.(switch) C.(alternate)
    B. switch C. alternate
  • A person trying to hit a ball in baseball. A.(swap) B.(batter) C.(swing)
    B. batter
  • To meet an enemy in battle. A.(face off) B.(home plate) C.(alternate)
    A. face off
  • To do something one after the other. A.(take turns) B.(distinctive) C.(swing)
    A. take turns
  • The base that a baseball player touches to score. A.(distinctive) B.(batter) C.(home plate)
    C. home plate
  • Against each other. A.(face off) B.(distinctive) C.(opposing)
    C. opposing
  • To gain a point in a game. A.(conflict) B. score) C.(batter)
    B. score
  • A disagreement or fight between two sides. A.(conflict) B.(face off) C.(opposing)
    A. conflict
  • To determine the length or size of a thing. A.(face off) B.(score) C.(measure)
    C. measure
  • To come to an end. A.(conclude) B.(bowl) C.(opposing)
    A. conclude
  • To trade something. A.(swing) B.(swap) C.(alternate)
    B. swap
  • To try to hit something. A.(swap) B.(swing) C.(conclude)
    B. swing
  • To deliver the ball in cricket. A.(switch) B.(home plate) C.(bowl)
    C. bowl