
Homeless Bird

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  • What did Koly's widow's pension pay for?
    Chandra's dowry
  • Which notice and note signpost describes when the character asks a tough question that reveals their inner conflict?
    Tough Questions
  • Which notice and note signpost describes when a phrase or reference is repeated?
    Again and Again
  • What does Koly call her parents?
    Maa and Baap
  • Which notice and note signpost describes when the character remembers something that is significant to the character.
    Memory Moment
  • Read the example from Homeless Bird. Then, tell me, which note and notice signpost is this an example of? "For Chandra's sake I smiled and told her how beautiful she looked, as indeed she did. Inside I was miserable and did not know how I
    Tough Questions
  • What sickness does Hari's parents lie and say that he is sick with?
    the Flu
  • What does Chandra reveal about the family's motivation for Hari to marry Koly?
    They needed the money
  • True or False: Koly personally receives her widow's pension each month.
  • What two things does Sass want from Koly for Chandra's wedding?
    Koly's sari and her silver earrings
  • What does Sassur teach Koly to do?
  • What does Koly call Mr. and Mrs. Mehta (Hari's parents)?
    Sass and Sassur
  • How old is Koly?
  • True or False: The Ganges River cured Hari of his sickness.
  • What does Koly decide to make as a wedding gift for Chandra?
    a quilt
  • Who can prepare Chandra on her wedding day?
    Only women who are not widowed and have a male child
  • What is the setting of Homeless Bird?
  • What is Hari sick with?
  • Why are they traveling to Varanasi?
    To take Hari to bathe in the Ganges River
  • True or False: Koly believes she has "hit the jackpot" with her marriage to Hari.
  • One morning, Koly wakes up and confronts Sass about
    her widow's pension
  • Which character does Koly not get along with?
  • Who is the main character of the novel?
  • What is the name of Koly's bridegroom?
  • What takes place at the beginning of the novel?
    Koly gets married
  • Which notice and note signpost describes when a character acts in a way that is unexpected to how he/she usually acts.
    Contrasts and Contradictions
  • Which notice and note signpost describes when an older character gives advice or a life lesson?
    Words of the Wiser
  • Which notice and note signpost describes when the character has a realization that changes their ideas or actions?
    Aha! Moment