
Amazing animals

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  • How many legs do spiders crabs have?
    Spider crabs have ten legs
  • Do blue whales have any teeth in their big mouths?
    No, they don't
  • Are seahorses bigger or smaller than blue whales?
    They are smaller
  • Are crabs always orange?
    No, they aren't. They have different colours
  • What do spider crabs eat?
    They eat plants and smaller sea animals
  • Do seahorses have a short, curled tail?
    No, they have LONG, curled tail
  • Are blue whales longer than sharks?
    Yes, they are
  • What is the name of the sea animals that blue whales eat?
    The name is krill
  • What can you tell me about seahorses' skin?
    They've got very hard skin that can change colour
  • How many blowholes do blue whales have in their heads?
    Whales have two blowholes in their heads
  • What do spider crabs have to protect them?
    Spider crabs have a hard shell to protect them
  • Do blue whales have soft or hard skin?
    Whales have soft skin
  • Do seahorses have a stomach?
    No, they don't
  • What do seahorses eat?
    Seahorses eat tiny fish and plants