
Run business, work hard, make money

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  • You cooparate well with your co-workers
    a good team player
  • To read the job ads in the newspaper or online and to send your resume
    to apply for a job
  • Salary that is higher than average
    a competitive salary
  • smth constant
  • Someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people
    a representative
  • An intense job with lots of responsibilities
    a demanding job
  • Business runs risk of losing all its money and having to shot down (several variants)
    to go bankrupt / to go under
  • A job that would be perfect for you
    a dream job
  • To be temporary unemloyed
    between jobs
  • A lot of work
    a heavy workload
  • People looking for a job
    job seekers
  • To get enough money to survive
    to earn a living
  • To manage a business
    to run a business
  • To say what the meaning of something, especially a word (several variants)
    to define / to determine
  • The ability to make good judgments, based on what you have learned from your experience
  • A hard seriouse race
    a tough competition
  • Don't like to share smth
    greedy / scrooge
  • To investigate the market
    to do market research
  • To provide
    to supply
  • To put your name an a contract
    to sign a contract
  • To lose your job (all variants)
    to be fired / dismissed
  • A job reguiring a vary low level of skill
    a menial job
  • A suggestion of work
    a job offer
  • All powerfull (several variants)
    almighty / omnipotent
  • To secure a significant number of customers
    to gain market share
  • To invite new employees to your company (several variants)
    hire / take on staff
  • The minimum salary required by low
    minimum wage
  • to be hired
    to get a job / to be employed
  • The company checks the qualification of the candidates
    to interview the candidates
  • To make an agreement
    to make a deal
  • A person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for that person
    a slave
  • The information about vacancy
    the job description
  • Satisfying or beneficial, providing a lot of money for a person, company
    to reward
  • If the amount of money coming into the company is greater than the amount spent on expenses
    to make a profit
  • The salary is very high
    a well-paid job
  • A job that doesn't require much skill or experience
    an entry-level job
  • To start smth new
    to launch
  • If you don't work for someone else
    to go into business
  • To set up a company
    to establish
  • The desire to harm others or to see others suffer
    a malice
  • When the money coming in equals the money going out
    to break even
  • To get an increase in responsibility
    To get a promotion
  • To become popular / successful
    to take off
  • The business is loosing money
    to operate at a loss
  • To help for the customers
    a customer service
  • A period of major growth and success
    "business is booming"
  • The salary is very low
    to work for peanuts
  • Extra benefits like health insurance, discounts, a company car, etc (several variants)
    generous benefits / perks
  • To get an increase in salary
    to get a raise
  • To become the monopolist
    to corner the market
  • A temporary, low-level job
    to do an intership
  • To leave your job voluntarily
    to quit your job
  • A company that is your competitor
    a rival company
  • To work extra hours
    to work overtime