
E1- lesson 3

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  • fill in the blank. I bought groceries by ___________
  • what did they do last night?
    they did the laundry by themselves.
  • what does he do? where does he work?
    baker - bakery
  • complete the conversation. A: do you have any cherry pies? B: sorry ___________
    sorry, we're out of cherry pies.
  • what do you usually do in the mornings?
  • what is the past form the verb " leave''
  • fill in the blank. he ___________by himself last week.
  • what did she do yesterday?
    she washed her hair by herself.
  • what are they doing?
    they're waiting in the checkout line.
  • what is the past form of these verbs? walk - do - buy - take
    walked - did - bought - took
  • loook at the picture and make a sentence.
    they are taking a bus to school by themselves.
  • name 3 things that you can do by yourself.
  • what is he doing?
    he is ironing a shirt by himself.
  • put the words in order. slice fruit / Merry / by himself/ yesterday
    Merry sliced fruit by himself last night.
  • what did your sister do last night?
    she chopped the vegetables by herself.
  • fill in the blank. A: _______________? B: they're 5 dollars each.
    how much are