
Shopping Questions

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  • Where do you usually go shopping?
  • How do you feel about shopping at department stores or malls?
  • Which do you prefer? Buying things for yourself or for other people?
    Sharing is caring
  • How long do you usually shop for? Do you try to get your shopping done as fast as possible?
    Me too
  • Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?
  • Are you a bargain hunter? Do you get excited about sales and discounts? When are the best sales in your country?
    Woot Woot!
  • Which type of store do you wish was in your town or closer?
    Only you know the answer
  • If you were to open your own shop, what kinds of things would you like to sell?
  • Have you ever bought any counterfeit products like fake designer bags, clothing, or jewelry?
    All day, e'ry day
  • Do you shop online? What kinds of things do you buy online? What would you rather buy in person?
  • Have you been shopping abroad? Which are the best cities for shopping?
    The dopest place to go is
  • Do you care where products are made? Do you prefer to buy things which are made in your own country? Why or why not?
  • Who does the grocery shopping in your household? How often do they do it?
    Do you/they enjoy it?
  • Think about the most expensive thing you have ever bought. Was it worth what you paid for it?
  • Do you prefer to shop alone or with other people? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
    I've got nobody, all on my own OOooo
  • Have you ever spent too much? What did you buy? How did you feel afterwards?
  • How do you feel about sales people following you and helping you when you shop?
    I'll ask for help if I need it.
  • Have you ever returned something to the shop you bought it from? Why did you return it? Did you get a refund?
  • Shoplifting is when someone takes something from a shop without paying. How common is this crime in your country? How do shops try to prevent shoplifting?
    Five finger discount
  • Do you know anyone who is addicted to shopping? Are you addicted to shopping?
    So many people!
  • Do you like shopping? For what kinds of things?
    Is that so