
Past Simple and Past Continous

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  • I (have) a shower when the phone (ring).
    I was having shower when the phone rang.
  • On nie był w kinie wczoraj .
    He wasn't at the Cinema yesterday.
  • I ( do) my homework at 5 p.m yesterday.
    I was doing my homework at 5 p.m yesterday.
  • Teressa ( not listen ) to music when the lights ( go off).
    Teressa wasn't listening to music when the lights went off
  • While my dog (lie) on the bed , my cat (jump) on him!
    While my dog was lying on the bed, my cat jumped on him!
  • The sun ( świeciło) when we ( spacerowaliśmy ) in the park
    The sun was shining when we were walking in the park.
  • Czy Ty oglądałeś Tv show wczoraj wieczorem?
    Were you watching tv show in the evening yesterday?
  • What (you/do) when I (see) you in the street yesterday?
    What were you doing when I saw you in the street yesterday?
  • She (sing) a song when they (come) to her house.
    She was singing a song when they came to her house.
  • While Tomek (play) computer games , his dog (enter ) the room
    While Tomek was playing computer games , his dog entered the room.
  • While he ( watch) a football match , he (see) a big spider on the wall.
    While he was watching a football match , he saw a big spider on the wall.