
Who is that President 2 ?

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  • Who is this ?
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945 32nd President Vice-Presidents were John N. Garner 33-41 Henry Wallace 41-45 Harry Truman 1945
  • Who is this ?
    Harry S. Truman 1945-1953 33rd President Vice-President Alben W. Barkly 1949-1953
  • Who is this ?
    George Walker Bush 2001-2008 43rd President Vice-President was Richard B. Cheney
  • Who is this ?
    William Jefferson Clinton 1993-2001 42nd President Vice-President was Albert A. Gore Jr.
  • Who is this ?
    William Howard Taft 1909-1913 27th President Vice-President was James S. Sherman
  • Who is this ?
    George Herbert Walker Bush 1989-1993 41st President Vice-President was James Danforth Quayle
  • Who is this ?
    Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961 34th President Vice-President was Richard M. Nixon
  • Who is this ?
    Lyndon Johnson 1963-1969 36th President Vice-President Herbert H. Humphrey 1965-69
  • Who is this ?
    Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 30th President Vice-President was Charles G. Dawes
  • Who is this ?
    Herbert Clark Hoover 1929-1933 31st President Vice-President was Charles Curtis
  • Who is this ?
    Richard Milhous Nixon 1969-1974 37th President Vice-Presidents were Spiro Agnew 1969-73 & Gerald Ford
  • Who is this ? 47th President or another 4 years ?
    2024 will there be 47th President ? Or another 4 years ?
  • Who is this ?
    Joe Biden 2020-2024 46th President Vise-President was Kamala Harris
  • Who is this ?
    Ronald Wilson Reagan 1981-1989 40th President Vice-President was George Bush
  • Who is this ?
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1961-1963 35th President Vice-President was Lyndon R. Johnson
  • Who is this ?
    Warren Gamaliel Harding 1921-1923 29th President Vice-President was Calvin Coolidge
  • Who is this ?
    Donald Trump 2016-2020 45th President Vice-President was Mike Pence
  • Who is this ?
    William McKinley1897-1901 25th President Vice-Presidents were Garret A. Hobart 1897-1901 Theodore Roosevelt 1901
  • Who is this ?
    James Earl Carter Jr. 1977-1981 39th President Vice-President was Walter F. Mondale
  • Who is this ?
    Theodore Roosevelt 26th 1901-1909 Vice-President was Charles W. Fairbanks
  • Who is this ?
    Gerald Rudolph Ford 1974-1977 38th President Vice-President was Nelson A. Rockefeller
  • Who is this ?
    Barack Obama 2008-2016 44th President Vice-President was Joe Biden
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  • Who is this ?
    Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 28th President Vice-President was Thomas R. Marshall