
Combine These Sentences

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  • Combine these Sentences: The boy filled the suitcase with clothes. The boy went on vacation.
    After the boy filled the suitcase with clothes, he went on vacation.
  • Combine these Sentences: Mary finished her project. Mary asked her dad to check the project for mistakes.
    After Mary finished her project, she asked her dad to check it for mistakes.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: When it was very hot during the summer, Jenny would swim in the river.
    It was very hot during the summer. Jenny would swim in the river.
  • Combine these Sentences: Mary played the piano. Alice played the flute.
    Mary played the piano while Alice played the flute.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: Before Mark went hiking, he had to check his equipment.
    Mark went hiking. Mark had to check his equipment.
  • Combine these Sentences: Mark is a good tennis player. Mark is very fit.
    Mark, who is very fit, is a good tennis player.
  • Combine these Sentences: Dale made the fire. Dale cooked the fish.
    After Dale made the fire, he cooked the fish.
  • Combine these Sentences: Sally ran well. She did not win the race.
    Sally ran well but she did not win the race.
  • Combine these Sentences: The author had written several books. The author was successful.
    The author, who was successful, had written several books.
  • Combine these Sentences: William swung the axe. The axe could cut down the tree.
    William swung the axe that could cut down the tree.
  • Combine these Sentences: Grace opened her pocket. Grace's pocket was full of shells.
    Grace opened her pocket which was full of shells.
  • Combine these Sentences: The movie was very long. The movie was still enjoyable.
    Although the movie was very long, it was still enjoyable.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: The fox was very quiet because it was hunting rabbits.
    The fox was very quiet. The fox was hunting rabbits.
  • Combine these Sentences: Anna returned the computer. Anna noticed that the computer was damaged.
    Anna returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged.
  • Combine these Sentences: Mark is thoroughly trained in martial arts. Mark still makes a lot of mistakes.
    Even though Mark is thoroughly trained in martial arts, he still makes a lot of mistakes.
  • Combine these sentences: James was bright and ambitious. James quickly became a manager.
    James quickly became a manager because he was bright and ambitious.
  • Combine these Sentences: Mom went to talk to our neighbor. Our neighbor lives across the street.
    Mom went to talk to our neighbor, who lives across the street.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: The boy who filled the suitcase went on vacation.
    The boy went on vacation. The boy filled the suitcase.
  • Combine these Sentences: David ate the fish. David was hungry.
    David ate the fish because he was hungry.
  • Combine these sentences: Winter is coming. I will knit a warm sweater. I am always cold.
    Since winter is coming, I will knit a warm sweater, because I am always cold.
  • Combine these Sentences: Amy forgot her lunch. Amy bought lunch at school.
    Amy forgot her lunch, so she bought it at school.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: Fred scaled and cleaned the fish so his family could eat it.
    Fred scaled and clean the fish. His family could eat the fish.
  • Combine these Sentences: The day was cold. Our hands were warm. We wore our new mittens.
    Although the day was cold, our hands were warm because we wore our new mittens.
  • Combine these Sentences: Eva wore her fur lined coat. The coat was very warm.
    Eva wore her fur lined coat because it was very warm.
  • Combine these Sentences: The actress was thrilled to receive a role in the movie. The role was small.
    The actress was thrilled to receive a role in the movie even though it was small.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: Gerard climbed the tree and looked out over the field.
    Gerard climbed a tree. Gerard looked over the field.
  • Combine these Sentences: Daniel went to the dentist. Daniel had a cavity.
    Daniel went to the dentist because he had a cavity.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: While the mouse was on the open plain, it was in danger.
    The mouse was on the open plain. The mouse was in danger.
  • Combine these Sentences: The forest was dark. The ground was wet.
    The forest was dark and the ground was wet.
  • Deconstruct this Sentence: As Glen climbed the cliff, his arms became tired.
    Glen climbed the cliff. Glen's arms became tired.
  • Combine these Sentences: Ian was hungry. Ian ate the blueberry pie.
    Ian was hungry so he ate the blueberry pie.
  • Combine these Sentences: Carol cooked the raw fish. The fish was ready to eat.
    Carol cooked the raw fish until it was ready to eat.
  • Combine these Sentences: Tim scored twenty points in our last game. Tim is the team captain.
    Tim, who is the team captain, scored twenty points in our last game.
  • Combine these Sentences: Sam did not want to leave. Sam needed to be home before midnight.
    Although Sam did not want to leave, he needed to be home before midnight.
  • Combine these Sentences: Jane took a shower. The shower was hot. Peter cooked breakfast.
    Jane took a shower, which was hot, while Peter cooked breakfast.
  • Combine these Sentences: Kate and Michelle went home. Kate and Michelle walked over a bridge.
    Before Kate and Michelle went home, they walked over a bridge.
  • Combine these Sentences: The bull charged Alan. Alan ran for his life.
    The bull charged Alan who ran for his life.
  • Combine these Sentences: Susan went skiing. Susan bought new mittens.
    Before Susan went skiing, she bought new mittens.
  • Combine these Sentences: Cynthia could go dancing. Cynthia could go shopping.
    Cynthia could go dancing or she could go shopping.
  • Combine these Sentences: I can't buy the bike. The bike I want. The shop opens at 3 o'clock.
    I can't buy the bike that I want until the shop opens at 3 o'clock.