
C1 Gold Experience unit 7

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  • Express yourself
    Put into words
  • Give your opinion
    Have your say
  • Say whatever you want!
    Don´t hold back
  • Briefly
    in a word
  • This might not be the most appropriate word..
    For want of a better word
  • "Salir con lo tuyo"
    Have your own way
  • Don´t be humilliated and manipulated
    Don´t le them walk all over you
  • What people are saying
    The word on the street
  • Suddenly pay attention
    Sit up and take notice
  • Focus on an issue
    Shine a spotlight on
  • Break your promise
    Go back on your word
  • Be very (damagingly) truthful
    Say it as it is
  • Can use words very well
    Have a real way with words
  • People´s recommendations
    word of mouth
  • Shocked into silence
    Words fail me
  • overcomplicated
    Too wordy
  • Finish an argument with your opinion
    Have the last word