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  • Complete: Do you play the _________?
    Do you play the violin?
  • What's his favorite clothe?
    His favorite clothe is raincoat.
  • Complete: She's a chef, she works at a ________.
    She's a chef, she works at a restaurant.
  • What's this?
    This is a lunchbox.
  • Complete: Put on your _______.
    Put on your shoes.
  • Complete: We don't play the ______.
    We don't play the trumpet.
  • Complete: They're from France. They're ______.
    They are French.
  • What's this?
    This is a comb.
  • Complete: We _______ everyday.
    We wash hands everyday.
  • Complete: A tiger lives in the _______.
    A tiger lives in the jungle.
  • Complete: They speak ______.
    They speak Japanese.
  • Complete: Do you have your _________ ?
    Do you have your toothbrush?
  • Complete: This is Sam's ________.
    This is Sam's umbrella.
  • What are these?
    These are cymbals.
  • What's her favorite clothe?
    Her favorite clothe is sweater.
  • What does an ostrich have?
    An ostrich has wings.
  • Complete: He's a firefighter, he works at a __________.
    He's a firefighter, he works at a fire station.
  • Complete: Does your _____ hurt?
    Does your knee hurt?
  • Complete: This is Pam's ________.
    This is Pam's bracelet.
  • What animal is this?
    This is a dolphin.
  • Where are they from?
    They're from the United States.
  • Complete: I ________ on Monday morning.
    I wake up on Monday morning.
  • What's your favorite clothe?
    My favorite clothe is a hat.
  • What's this?
    This is a clarinet.
  • What's this?
    This is a coat.
  • What are these?
    These are gloves.
  • Complete: _______ your teeth.
    Brush your teeth.
  • Complete: They are from ______.
    They're from China.
  • Complete: Does your ______ hurt?
    Does your ankle hurt?
  • Complete: She's a _______.
    She's a pilot.