
Constitution - Articles II and III

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  • 45b: The _____________________ votes to approve all of the President's nominations.
  • 50: Federal courts deal mostly with ___________________________ instead of criminal cases.
    statute laws
  • 45a: The President can make ______________________, nominate _____________________, and judges of the ________________________________.
    treaties, ambassadors, Supreme Court
  • 39: Which amendment changed the way we elect the President?
    12th Amendment
  • 41b: Which Amendment sets further procedures for presidential succession?
    25th Amendment
  • 37b: How long is the term for a president?
    4 years
  • 48: Judicial power of the United States is vested in the ______________________ and ___________________..
    Supreme Court, inferior courts
  • What is the main job of the executive branch of government?
    carry out, or enforce the laws
  • 43: Before the President can enter office, he must take an ___________________.
  • 42a: Originally, how much was the President paid?
  • 37a: Who is the Chief Executive?
  • 44a: As the head of the military, the President is known as the _________________.
    Commander in Chief
  • 38: How is the number of Electors from each state determined?
    equal to the number of Senators and Representatives from each state
  • 44b: The President has the power to grant ________________ and _________________.
    reprieves and pardons
  • What is the main job of the judicial branch of the government?
    interpret the laws
  • 51: Crimes committed in the U.S. will be tried __________________.
    by jury
  • 47: The President and others in high office can be impeached for ________________, _____________________, ________________________, and _________________.
    treason, bribery, high crimes, and misdemeanors
  • 46: Once per year, the President is required to give Congress information about the ________________________.
    State of the Union
  • 42b: Today, what is the President's salary?
    $400,000.00 plus a $50,000.00 tax free expense account
  • 52: Article III section 3 discusses the crime of ________________________.
  • 42c: What two living accommodations are provided for the President?
    The White House and Camp David
  • 40: What are the 3 qualifications for becoming President?
    35 years old, citizen by birth, resident for 14 years
  • 39: How were the President and Vice President originally elected?
    The one with the most electoral votes became President, the second-highest became Vice-President
  • 49. How long is the term of service for a Supreme Court Justice?
    for life, as long as they are not impeached
  • 41a: Who becomes President if he cannot carry out the duties of the office?
    Vice President